再跟踪发现 HAL_GetTick() - tickstart 永远等于0 这就很奇怪了. 于是再深入看一下HAL_GetTick()函数. 代码如下 AI检测代码解析 __weak uint32_t HAL_GetTick(void) { return uwTick; } 1. 2. 3. 4. 也就是说, uwTick 不再更新了. 数值永远是某个固定数值. 那uwTick 到底是怎么更新的呢? 最后...
调试发现,程序卡在if ((HAL_GetTick() - tickstart) > HSE_TIMEOUT_VALUE)处,不往下进行。原因:重复使能时钟。
调试发现,程序卡在if ((HAL_GetTick() - tickstart) > HSE_TIMEOUT_VALUE)处,不往下进行。原因:重复使能时钟。。
STM32CubeMX-27(补充) | 系统滴答定时器Systick的使用如果面试的时候碰到这样一个面试题:ES 在数据...
// 获取操作开始时的计时器值 start_tick = halgettick(); // 执行需要测量的操作 perform_some_operation(); // 获取操作结束时的计时器值 end_tick = halgettick(); // 计算操作执行的时间(假设返回值以毫秒为单位) elapsed_time = end_tick - start_tick; // 输出执行时间 printf("Operation took ...
我正在尝试用stm32编写stm8代码。问题是我找不到一个SPI_Transmit函数,只有SPI_SendData。我需要这个函数通过SPI传输一个数组。stm32SPI_transmit函数如下所示: /* Init tickstart for timeout management*& 浏览8提问于2022-11-30得票数1 2回答 如何在stm32f303中生成时间戳?
I have set up ThreadX on my STM32U5A9 board using CubeMX. In such configuration it is recommended to use SysTick for ThreadX and select some other
in vTaskStartScheduler() Also, HAL code initializes and expects the SysTicks generated to be 1 mS ticks, but the FreeRTOS can easily be configured (viaFreeRTOSConfig.hconfigTICK_RATE_HZ) to be another value, which would cause the HAL-related timeouts to be incorrect. ...
The ST Hal makes extensive use of the HAL_Delay and HAL_GetTick for timing out operations. Normally, these functions use the SysTick interrupt to increment every millisecond - this remains true for the startup period of the STM32, as Sys...