HAL_PWREx_EnterSTOP2Mode(PWR_STOPENTRY_WFI)函数,正常应该等到lptime的5s定时到才会唤醒,但实际情况却是几个ms就会被唤醒,然后再进stop2,如此反复.怀疑是systick唤醒,因为我在休眠前加上关闭systick,就不会有这中几ms的唤醒 gXDhn 2023-01-11 15:42:34 在...
mode */HAL_PWREx_EnterSHUTDOWNMode();三,总结不同的模式下会有不同的唤醒方式,在实际使用过程中要注意不同模式下支持的外设是不一样的,不同的低功耗模式,唤醒之后开始代码执行的位置也不一样。要根据实际的项目需求,来选择使用的低功耗模式和对应的唤醒方式。
*/ HAL_PWREx_ControlVoltageScaling(PWR_REGULATOR_VOLTAGE_SCALE1); /** Initializes the RCC Oscillators according to the specified parameters * in the RCC_OscInitTypeDef structure. */ RCC_OscInitStruct.OscillatorType = RCC_OSCILLATORTYPE_HSI; RCC_OscInitStruct.HSIState = RCC_HSI_ON; RCC_OscInit...
#if defined(PWR_SHDW_SUPPORT) void HAL_PWREx_EnterSHUTDOWNMode(void); #endif Note: The data structure related to the specific APIs is delimited by the device part number define statement. It is located in the corresponding extension header C file. The following table summarizes the location ...
}/**Activate the Over-Drive mode */if(HAL_PWREx_EnableOverDrive() != HAL_OK) { Error_Handler(); }/**Initializes the CPU, AHB and APB busses clocks */RCC_ClkInitStruct.ClockType = RCC_CLOCKTYPE_HCLK|RCC_CLOCKTYPE_SYSCLK
HAL_PWREx_EnableVddUSB() being called, the USB interrupt never fires, thus breaking USB entirely. I'm posting primarily to get this into Google's index in case others have the same issue. 0 Kudos Reply SlawomirZ98 Associate 2024-11-28 04:12 PM Hi, I also ran ...
}elseif(pwrTrans == ICALL_PWR_ENTER_SHUTDOWN) {/* Park CM0 */MAC_RADIO_POWER_DOWN(); } } 开发者ID:peifengzhou,项目名称:CC2630_HA_Demo,代码行数:48,代码来源:mac_backoff_timer.c 示例11: HalKeyPoll ▲点赞 1▼ /*** * @fn HalKeyPoll * * @brief This function is called by Ha...
HAL_PWREx_EnterSTOP2Mode(PWR_STOPENTRY_WFI)函数,正常应该等到lptime的5s定时到才会唤醒,但实际情况却是几个ms就会被唤醒,然后再进stop2,如此反复.怀疑是systick唤醒,因为我在休眠前加上关闭systick,就不会有这中几ms的唤醒 gXDhn 2023-01-11 15:42:34 `...
}else{/* error cases */RTW_INFO("reg 0x%x, usb %s %u fail, status:%d value=0x%x, vendorreq_times:%d\n", value, (requesttype ==0x01) ?"read":"write", len, status, *(u32 *)pdata, vendorreq_times);if(status <0) {if(status == (-ESHUTDOWN) || status == -ENODEV) ...