Kinji Hakari is a supporting character in the manga/anime series Jujutsu Kaisen. He is a suspended third-year sorcerer at Tokyo Jujutsu High that will rival Satoru Gojo's power in the future. While suspended from the school, he's the owner of the Gachinko Fight Club, a venue in which ...
↑Jujutsu KaisenManga:Chapter 181(p. 17-23). ↑Jujutsu KaisenManga:Chapter 190(p. 10-12). ↑Jujutsu KaisenManga:Chapter 188(p. 12). ↑Jujutsu KaisenManga:Chapter 190(p. 7-9). ↑Jujutsu KaisenManga:Chapter 11(p. 15). ↑Jujutsu KaisenManga:Chapter 146(p. 13). ...