A few miles down, the Sacré-Coeur church, where the upper-middle class used to be baptized, married, and buried, is a big pile of rubbish.我都认不出Port-au-Prince街道了。在曾是一所学校的校址前,三具尸体被整齐地盖在一块蓝布之下。大家的脚和视线都小心地避开那些小小的尸体。几英里以外的...
once into the Voodoo religion and once in the Catholic church. Voodoo means many things. It means an attitude toward life and death, a concept of ancestors and the afterworld, and a recognition
Angel lives in the shack with five other family members. He is the pastor of a local church and, as he approaches 30, resembles Lorenzo Cain. But he isn't a center fielder anymore. "I've stopped playing," he says. "I've lost the ambition. My life is different." He stares out at...
A church-run school is officially open and the director and his staff are waiting for students. Nineteen-year-old Cimeau Cassandra is one of several students from Port-au-Prince whose schools are now closed and who have come to Mirebalais to register for classes. "My school did not collapse...