Haiti is one of the poorest and least-developed countries in the world with more than 80 percent of its population living below the poverty line. The absence of building codes and the inability of Haitians to afford proper housing were the main reasons why the 2010 earthquake caused damage to...
This report aims to provide a better understanding of a specific niche response, the ECD response, in post-earthquake Haiti 2010. It concentrates on the UNICEF ECD Kit, a dominating ECD response, examining the efficiency, effectiveness, impact, relevance or appropriateness, sustainability and the ov...
The paper investigates discursive devices employed in newspaper articles on the 2010 Haiti earthquake to represent the First World, mainly the USA, and the Third World Haiti, with regard to ascription of blame for the catastrophe. It reveals that van Dijk's ideological square of US versus THEM ...
Bassett L, Lamanna F, Ruel-Bergeron J: Promoting Nutritional Security in Haiti: An Assessment of Pre- and Post-Earthquake Conditions and Recommendations for the Way Forward. Technical Assistance Report. 2010, Washington: World Bank Google Scholar BRAC: Haiti: Haiti. [http://haiti.brac.net/]...
Many patients are presenting to medical clinics in Haiti with blood pressures of 200/115 who have never been on medication or who no longer have medication available following the earthquake. Many of the medical clinics throughout Haiti are currently without facilities to run blood work, ...
Dear EarthTalk: What are the primary environmental concerns in the aftermath of the big earthquake in Haiti?Dover, Frank
Study of member agencies' responses to the earthquake in Port au Prince, Haiti. weak governance.While recognising the effects of the disaster on the whole country, this study is required to focus on the impact within urban areas, and to ask, what can be learnt for international NGOs for ...
In 2012, a national bed net distribution was done in response to reports of high rates of malaria transmission after the 2010 earthquake in Haiti. The Global Fund (GF) sponsored a national distribution of LLINs throughout the country (except Port-au-Prince) with the goal of two Olyset LL...
We became involved in a collaborative effort to improve nephrology care in Haiti after participating in the emergency response to the 2010 earthquake. The focus of this ongoing project is overcoming barriers to implementation with the goal of improving training and resources for Haitian health-care ...
Daniels, J.P. Earthquake compounds Haiti’s health challenges.Lancet2021,398, 944–945. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] The Integrated Food Security Phase Classification. HAITI: Grand Sud, Areas Affected by the Latest Shocks (Earthquake and Floods), IPC Acute Food Insecurity Analysis. Available online...