Optimum N production and water conservation occurred when vetch was killed the last week of April. Early-kill vetch sacrificed N production and minimized soil water conservation, resulting in reduced corn grain yield. Late kill did not add significant N benefits, but could deplete soil water or ...
hairy vetchincorporationnitrogenweed suppressionTwo of the many benefits of including legume cover crops in a fallow cropping system are weed suppression and increased soil organic N. This study was conducted in order to examine the effect of hairy vetch ( Vicia villosa ) on weed growth and soil...
Adding hairy vetch to winter rye provided no benefits because of severe winterkill of the legume. Using glyphosate was necessary to prevent rye regrowth. Pumpkin growth was better and yields were higher than in the plots were no glyphosate was used. Mulches established at flowering (Zadoks 69) ...
While cover crops provide many benefits, integrating cover crops into production can be difficult. Hairy vetch, a legume cover crop, can become a weed in subsequent seasons. Multiple experiments were implemented to determine germination phenology and viability of two hairy vetch cultivars, Groff and ...
Increases of soil ammonium were observed in plots with cover crop treatments. A triticale-hairy vetch cover crop mix was successful at scavenging P for future crops and appears to hold promise for long-term soil fertility benefits.Jessique Ghezzi-Haeft土壤科学期刊(英文)...
A triticale-hairy vetch cover crop mix was successful at scavenging P for future crops and appears to hold promise for long-term soil fertility benefits.Carson WrightEnvironment Geology and Natural Resources Department Ball State University Muncie Indiana USA...
Editor: Ouyang Wei Keywords: Vicia villosa Roth Yield environment (YE) Nitrogen fertilizer rate Nitrogen uptake Nitrogen nutrition index (NNI) Nitrogen fertilizer replacement value (NFRV) Cover crops play a critical role on conservation and sustainable agriculture due to their well-documented benefits ...
benefits.15N-labeled fertilizers were applied at the time of CC establishment in a microplot experiment to determine the contribution of aboveground residue N of winter cover crops (hairy vetch (HV), February orchid (OV), hairy vetch/ February orchid mixture (HO)) to the following spring maize...
Hairy vetchAlthough a hairy vetch (Vicia villosa Roth) cover crop can supply nitrogen and suppress weeds, corn planting in central Illinois must be delayed past optimum planting dates to realize significant benefits from this cover crop. As an alternative to delayed planting, controlling a band of...
Organic Supplemental Nitrogen Sources for Field Corn Production after a Hairy Vetch Cover CropCORNNITROGEN in agricultureAGRICULTURAL productivityCOVER cropsPHOSPHORUS in agricultureThe combined use of legume cover crops and animal byproduct organic amendments could provide agronomic and environmental benefits ...