The synchronised root tips were fixed in formaldehyde and chromosomes were released into a lysis buffer by mechanical homogenisation. The chromosomes in suspension showed a well preserved morphology, and could be used for flow cytometric analysis. While only two chromosomes (5 and 7) were ...
The synchronised root tips were fixed in formaldehyde and chromosomes were released into a lysis buffer by mechanical homogenisation. The chromosomes in suspension showed a well preserved morphology, and could be used for flow cytometric analysis. While only two chromosomes (5 and 7) were ...
The pleiotropic TTG1 locus regulates trichome initi- ation, as well as flavonoid production, seed coat muci- lage production, and root hair development pathways in Arabidopsis [9] and its transcripts are present to some extent in almost all organs of wild type Arabidopsis ...
Hairy root cultures. Chromatographia Supplement. 63: 66-72.P. Banyai, I. N. Kuzovkina, L. Kursinszki, E. Szoke, HPLC ana- lysis of alizarin and purpurin produced by Rubia tinctorum L. hairy root cultures, Chromatographia, 2006, 63, S111-S114....
rraacceemmoossaa.; lanes 4–8: PCR products from total DNA of 5 hairy root lines derived from L. racemosa. It had been proposed that crown galls induced by A. tumefaciens are chimerical tissues, since the auxItinhaadndbeceyntopkrinoipnosperdodtuhcaetdcrboywtnragnaslflosrminedducpeldanbt ...