1. hair loss 脱发 例句:I am losing my hair.I am suffering from hair loss.我脱发了。2. thinning hair 日渐稀少的头发 例句:Why is my hair thinning?我怎么开始脱发了?3. be thin on top 头发很少 例句:I am a bit thin on top these days.我最近有些脱发。4. receding hairline 后退的发际...
“发量少”英语怎么说? 1.hair loss脱发 例句: I am losing my hair. I am suffering from hair loss. 我脱发了。 2. thinning hair日渐稀少的头发 例句: Why is my hair thinning? 我怎么开始脱发了? 3. be thin on to...
1. hair loss 脱发例句:I am losing my hair.I am suffering from hair loss.我脱发了。2. thinning hair 日渐稀少的头发例句:Why is my hair thinning?我怎么开始脱发了?3. be thin on top 头发很少例句:I am a bit thin on top these days.我最近有些脱发。4. receding hairline 后退的发际线 ...
2、hair loss 掉头发 每次洗头,头发大把大把的掉,都不敢大力去挠头,害怕抓着抓着就秃了! 例句: Hair loss and baldness is a common problem in our society. 脱发和秃顶是一种常见的问题在我们的社会。 thinning hair 头发变得稀疏 例句: He ran a hand through his thinning hair. 他用手理了理自己越...
Thinning hair and bald patches are surprisingly common in women. See the progression, causes, and treatments for this distressing condition in this WebMD slideshow.
Hair loss is the thinning of hair on the scalp. The medical term for hair loss is alopecia. Alopecia can be temporary or permanent. 脱发是指头发稀疏。脱发的医学术语是alopecia。脱发可以是暂时的,也可以是永久性的。 Hair loss normally occurs gradually with age in both men and women, but is ...
Hairstyle advice and other helpful tips -- whether your hair has just begun thinning, or you've already noticed significant loss -- that will certainly be more effective than merely gazing at old pictures of your hair at its fullest.
Hair Extensions, Scalp Pigmentation, Hair Replacement, San Diego Hair Loss Specialist & Thinning Hair Experts
3.防止Hair Loss的头发与头皮护理方法 在家庭护理中,通过简单的方式也可以摆脱Thinning Hair的危险哦。在头发上涂抹椰子油或荷荷巴油等高保湿油,等待20 ~ 30分钟后,用洗发水洗净,这样可以为头发供应充分的营养。在吹干湿发后,使用气囊梳从肩膀或脖颈部分开始到头顶方向,由下而上轻轻拍打,对于护理头皮非常有效。最...
首先要清楚hair loss是如何定义的 Hair loss is the thinning of hair on the scalp. The medical term for hair loss is alopecia. Alopecia can be temporary or permanent. 脱发是指头发稀疏。脱发的医学术语是alopecia。脱发可以是暂时的,也可以是永久性的。 Hair loss normally occurs gradually with age in...