Black hair: 黑发 Brown hair: 棕发 Red hair: 红发 如果不想要天然发色,那就要染发: Dye: 动词/daɪ/ 染发 怎么用: Get my hair dyed. 染发(别人给我染) Dyed my hair. 染发(自己染) 如果只要补染,可以用: Touch up: 补色 不同发质,英语怎么说 有人头发厚,有人头发薄: Thick: 厚 Thin/fine: ...
纯天然植物染发粉 我们提供最优品质的纯天然植物汉娜染发粉、纯天然植物靛蓝染发粉和纯天然植物护发粉。我们产品的特点是100%植物单一成分,不添加任何其它植物和化学成分,是从靛蓝植物和汉娜植物的枝叶经过干燥、研磨后直接真空包装。根据我们多年的营销经验和长期的调研证明,目前世界上能将白发染成黑发的纯天然染发剂,...
Black hair: 黑发 Brown hair: 棕发 Red hair: 红发 想做头发? 如果不想要天然发色,那就要染发: Dye: 动词,染发 Get my hair dyed. 染发(别人给我染) Dyed my hair.染发(自己染) 如果只要补染,可以用Touch up: 补色 女生总喜欢改变自己,厚...
长出几根白头发。 如果染发就用dye dye [daɪ]vt.把…染上颜色 例如 Maybe I should dye my hair too. 也许我也应该把我的头发染了。 She dyed her hair red. 她把头发染成了红色。 其它常见发色 Blonde: 金发 Black hair: 黑发 Brown ...
Hair dye外贸跨境英文染发剂免漂自己在家染树莓红染发膏 广东菲曲生物科技有限公司 2年 回头率: 16.7% 广东 云浮市 ¥1.00 定制栗棕色天然染发剂Dark Brown Hair Dye代工外贸东南亚染发膏 广州市茗凯化妆品有限公司 13年 回头率: 50% 广东 广州市白云区 ¥50.88 【花瓣花香染】植华士 植物染发 ...
5. dye = 染头发 Please dye my hair brown. 我想把头发染成棕色。 6. highlight = 挑染/加亮 I don't like dye my hair, maybe you can give me some highlights. 我不想染头发,但是你可以给我挑染几个颜色。 7. I'd like to have my hairs in big wave. 我想烫大卷。 8. I want to try...
Natural Remedies in Lightening Dark Brown Hair Dye If you need to lighten the dark hair but you are tired of all the chemicals, you can turn to home remedies to help. Most of these work like a charm, but it might take time to find the one that works for you. ...
在淘宝,您不仅能发现3.5g Black Brown One-Time Hair dye tant Gray Root Coverage H的丰富产品线和促销详情,还能参考其他购买者的真实评价,这些都将助您做出明智的购买决定。想要探索更多关于3.5g Black Brown One-Time Hair dye tant Gray Root Coverage H的信息,请来
1. Dark Black Base Ombre Image Source:@hairbykimn Black hair base with brown highlights is for those who dare to wear different cuts. If you’re into darker looks and you’re not too worried about trying out some new hair dye options – you’re going to enjoy this one. ...
When it comes to finding the perfect blue black hair dye from Sally's, there are a few key points to consider. First, you'll want to find a dye that will give you the color you want without damaging your hair. Second, you'll want to make sure the dye is appropriate for your hair...