前几天,在Tik Tok有一位整容专家在网上说Hailey Bieber是整容的,特别是鼻子和嘴唇还有眉骨,这条视频在强烈的对比下,得到了很大的观看量。Hailey Bieber对此就非常不高兴了,她随后在社交媒体上声称自己绝对没有整容过,整个人都是纯天然的,清清白白。而且Hailey Bieber表示自己倡导自爱的价值观,绝不整容,希望...
Hailey Bieber:我全脸都没整过,清清白白纯天然 今天,Hailey Bieber终于上了一次头条新闻,这是因为她今天警告造谣她整容的专家在24小时内删除对她诽谤的内容,不然法庭见。 这是因为前几天,在Tik Tok有一位整容专家Daniel Barrett在网上说Hailey Bieber是整容的,特别是鼻子和嘴唇还有眉骨这三个手术有非常明显做过的...
@haileybieber we finally joined the tik tok world! we tried ??♀️ ♬ 2livesounds - 2live.d The "Yummy" singer also posted the clip to his Instagram account and received some love from his celebrity pals. Kylie Jenner wrote, "I love u guys," while Tom Green commented...
Hailey Bieber 穿着 Parachute Pants | Via JADED LONDON 而今天我们要说的就是这条最近常被 Hailey Bieber、Bella Hadid 等时尚偶像翻牌的 Parachute Pants,从 80 年代的紧身款式开始就一直广受欢迎,而后不断吸收各式各样的流行元素,到如今凭借 Y2K 风格回流的宽松裤型,造就 Parachute Pants 成为时尚界的常青单品。
Hailey Bieber hopped on TikTok and recorded a video of herself begging trolls to leave her alone, seemingly addressing Jelena fans.
Hailey Bieber is blasting social media rumors one week after dad Stephen Baldwin reshared a clip that asked for prayers for her and her husband Justin Bieber.
【中字】海莉·比伯|Hailey Bieber 更新Tik Tok:love u all 2.5万播放 【中字】海莉·比伯(Hailey Bieber)在油管上发布了一段关于心理健康意识月的视频,并谈到了她的经历以及她如何照顾自己的心理健康 1.2万播放 【中字】Vogue France - 海莉比伯的法国美食之旅 ...
Hailey Bieber just discussed her bond with Justin, what their commitment means to her, and the possibility of having kids. Read more at SheFinds.com
Negli ultimi mesi, su Instagram e Tik Tok, il tutorial trucco della founder di Rhodeè riuscito a collezionare milioni di like e repost. Qualora abbiate difficoltà a ottenere una base viso naturale e radiosa, Hailey Bieber suggerisce un inedito make-up hack pronto da provare. Il ...
Instagram/Hailey Bieber Days later, Hailey called out rumors "made out of thin air." "Just FYI the stories and constant 'blind items' I see on Tik Tok are 100% of the time wrong," she shared on Instagram Stories March 5. "So I know it may be fun feeding into these stories but...