Just because most haiku poems are about seasons or nature doesn’t mean that’s all they can be about. If you want, you can even write funny haiku poems. One way to make a haiku funny is to have anunexpectedlast line. For example, if the last line says the opposite of what the re...
with a syllable pattern of 5-7-5, meaning that the first line has five syllables, the second line has seven syllables, and the third line has five syllables. The poems usually focus on nature and the changing
A haiku is a three-line Japanese poem that follows a syllable pattern of 5-7-5. They often deal with themes of nature and changing seasons.
Author Index to Haiku Poems on the Internet.Links to over 125 haiku poets, scholars, editors, and webmasters. Updated monthly.Open Directory- Autumn Leaves: HaikuEdited with poetry by Sondra Ball. Features poems by Native Americans. Autumn Wind Haiku: Selected Poems by Kobayashi Issa.By Lewis ...
Haiku are often considered nature poems. Look at any classical haiku and you'll usually see some kind of natural imagery like wildlife or weather. This is more formal than something like a sonnet, thatshouldbe about love but isn't always—haiku have specific words youhave to use. ...
Most often, haiku poems are about seasons or nature, though you can write your own haiku about anything you like. If you don’t want to write about nature, and would prefer to write haiku about candy or sports, that is perfectly okay. ...