Die HAHN Automation Group ist der globale Lösungspartner für Fabrikautomation. Das Unternehmen steht für industriespezifisches Know-how, ein umfangreiches Projekt-Portfolio und eine globale Organisation mit Servicefokus aus einer Hand. Kunden in den Industrien Automotive, Electronics sowie MedTech...
Join the HAHN Automation Group in shaping the future of your industry with our innovative equipment solutions in Automotive, Electronics, and MedTech.
Join the HAHN Automation Group in shaping the future of your industry with our innovative equipment solutions in Automotive, Electronics, and MedTech.
Your Career with the HAHN Automation Group Locations WorldwideDiscover our locations all over the world–Europe, North America and Asia. Your new dream job may be just a stone's throw away. StudentsFind out everything about Apprenticeships, Internships or School Cooperations at HAHN. ...
Hahn Automation in Germany, parent of Hahn Plastics Automation in Windsor, Conn., has a new technology center for the healthcare sector. This results from Hahn’s acquisition of Invotec Deutschland GmbH in August, now operating as Hahn Automation Süd GmbH. The former Invotec specializes in ...
自 2024 年 10 月 1 日起,Philipp Unterhalt 将辞去 HAHN Automation Group 联合首席执行官的职务。Frank Konrad 将继续作为唯一的首席执行官领导公司。领导层的这一变动是在他们的联合领导下取得重要里程碑的背景下发生的。HAHN Automation Group 的十年 自 2014 年以来,Philipp Unterhalt 一直是 HAHN Automation ...
合利士与HAHN Automation签署战略合作协议,建立合作伙伴关系,共同拓展欧洲市场。 2024年1月31日,HAHN Automation的创始人 Frank先生莅临合利士考察,此次会面意义重大,双方签署战略合作协议,建立合作伙伴关系。标志着两大行业巨头正式携手,共同开启欧洲市场的新篇章。
Klaus noted that Hahn will continue its relationship with Robotic Automation Systems (RAS) of Waunakee, Wis., which distributes Wemo robots. (See Keeping Up section for new models from Wemo.)As reported in a December Starting Up, Hahn Group has expanded into the field of collaborative...
HAHN Robotics 是 HAHN 集团机器人部门的一部分,该部门还包括HAHN Ruhrbotics、DAHL Automation、RobShare和Rethink Robotics。企业信息联系方式 主要经营: 主营行业: 工业机器人 解决方案 服务机器人 企业类型: 企业单位 经营模式: 工业机器人厂商 服务型机器人厂商 自动化系统解决方案集成商 成立时间: 经营地址:...
AutomationInjection moldingRobotsRoboticsAs reported in their September 2018 NPE Close-Up, Hahn Plastics Automation Inc is a new US branch of the German Hahn Group, supplying robots and plastics automation systems. It recently opened its headquarters in Avon CT. The firm represents two German ...