The Hagerty Price Guide actively tracks market values so owners, as well as buyers and sellers, have an accurate picture of their car's worth. The latest update to the guide provides a headline market overview of the first 6-months of 2021 and the trends and fluctuations recorded over tha...
The UKHagerty Price Guide (HPG)update has just been published. Now containing 2,049 classic car models and over 40,000 individual values, the Guide tracks prices using auction data, insured values and dealer prices. The headline figures make for very interesting reading. TheHPG Classic Index, ...
I am posting this here as it also pertains to my Ferrari, and many of yours, even though in my case the car involved in the accident below was a...
John Sebastianleaves and new PDChuck Martindesperately rushes to put the personality and production values (thePaul Freeslegal ID still knocks me out) back onKHJ. Rick Deesis brought in for mornings fromWHBQ, Memphis (KHJ broughtTerrence McKeeveralong, too, but separated them - putting McKeever...