1. Electrical protection device of at least one line of the circuit breaker type, comprising for each line a pair of contacts that are fixed and mobile respectively and two devices for connecting to said line, a control lever of said contacts between a first spaced position and a second cont...
ITE Siemens西门子 Q250 DOUBLE 2 POLE 50 AMP 120/240V type TB BREAKER ITE Siemens西门子 30 AMP 3 POLE 断路器 BQH BQ3B030H ... VS541 ITE GOULD Pushmatic Bulldog P140 1POLE 40A Breaker NIB Siemens西门子 4 Siemens西门子 ITE BQD120 1 POLE 20 AMP 480V BOLT ON 断路器 Siemens西门子 ITE ...
ITE Siemens西门子 Q250 DOUBLE 2 POLE 50 AMP 120/240V type TB BREAKER ITE Siemens西门子 30 AMP 3 POLE 断路器 BQH BQ3B030H ... VS541 ITE GOULD Pushmatic Bulldog P140 1POLE 40A Breaker NIB Siemens西门子 4 Siemens西门子 ITE BQD120 1 POLE 20 AMP 480V BOLT ON 断路器 Siemens西门子 ITE ...