MacBride's delightful sketch of Haeckel's work in NATURE of February 10. As he points out, Haeckel's career belongs to the heroic stage of the history of the theory of evolution ; certainly few men have been subjected to greater obloquy for promulgating that or any other doctrine. When ...
(Biography)Ernst Heinrich(ɛrnst ˈhainrɪç). 1834–1919, German biologist and philosopher. He formulated the recapitulation theory of evolution and was an exponent of the philosophy of materialistic monism Haeckelianadj Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 ...
T HE career of Prof. Ernst Heinrich Haeckel, the centenary of whose birth falls on February 16, belongs to the heroic stage of the history of the theory of evolution. In 1862, at the early age of twenty-eight, he was appointed to the chair of zoology in the University of Jena, a ...
Haeckel definition: German biologist and philosopher of evolution.. See examples of HAECKEL used in a sentence.
verses (1951), Alister Hardy wondered why so few biologists recognized the significance of Garstang’s ideas in the 1930s, asking: “Why even now, among the younger generation, are there not more who acknowledge the importance of the contribution he has made to the theory of evolution?” (...
Nikolai Vladimirovich Timoféeff-Ressovsky was one of the key figures in the Synthetic Theory of Evolution. Living and researching under what was arguably the two most powerful and cruel totalitarian regimes in human history, the Third Reich and the Soviet Union, Timoféeff-Ressovsky succeeded ...
The complex rhetorical connection between theory and visual support is revealed, as creationist critics contend that the falsity of the visuals implies the refutation of evolution. We see that our decisions made in crafting illustrations carry serious rhetorical and ethical implications for various ...
[1] Ernst Haeckel:The Evolution of Man [M] 1874。参见 J.A.Hammerton 编:Outline of Great Book 中文选译本:人类的进化,西方名著提要(自然科学部分)[M],北京,中国青年出版社,1958,160-172 [2] Muller W A(黄秀英译):比较胚胎学回顾,发育生物学 [M].北京,高等 [3]陈阅增主编,真核细胞的起源:人...
“The story of Haeckel’s embryos has been told many times, …yet, this volume represents the most complete and detailed account of it, rich in facts and illustrations, so that we can perhaps consider it as the definitive version of a thrilling case in the history of science.” ...
Bronn's version of the book (with his own notes and commentary appended) did much to determine how Darwin's theory was understood and applied by German biologists, for the translation process involved more than the mere substitution of German words for English. In this book, Sander Gliboff ...