HadoopJarStepConfig clone() boolean equals(Object obj) List<String> getArgs() A list of command line arguments passed to the JAR file's main function when executed. String getJar() A path to a JAR file run during the step. String getMainClass() The name of the main cl...
1.版本选择 2.组件拓扑 3.节点配置 (3).制作aws模版机与镜像 1.制作模版机 1.1.开EC2 1.2.挂载应用/数据盘 1.3.安装必要软件 1.4.建立基本目录 1.5下载hadoop组件安装包 1.6.hadoop目录/配置文件准备 1.6.1.hadoop目录准备 1.6.2.hadoop配置文件准备路径修改配置env...
2. hadoop整合aws s3对象存储 下载aws的SDK文件:hadoop-aws-x.x.x.jar,aws-java-sdk-bundle-x.x.x.jar,放到hadoop的安装目录hadoop/share/hadoop/common下。 在core-site.xml增加如下配置: <property><name>fs.s3a.access.key</name><description>AWS access key ID. Omit for IAM role-based or provide...
The HadoopJarStepConfig property type specifies a job flow step consisting of a JAR file whose main function will be executed. The main function submits a job for the cluster to execute as a step on the master node, and then waits for the job to finish or fail before executing...
'HadoopJarStep':{ 'Jar':'command-runner.jar', 'Args':[ 'spark-submit', '--deploy-mode', '集群', 's3://' + args。bucket + '/' + s3JobFileName, 's3://' + args。bucket + '/' + s3ResultFolderName ] } }, ] 应用= [ ...
$hadoop fs -mkdir-p /user/hadoop# 在hdfs上创建hadoop账户$hadoop fs -mkdirinput$hadoop fs -put /usr/lib/hadoop/etc/hadoop/*.xml input# 将hadoop配置文件复制到hdfs中$hadoop jar /usr/lib/hadoop/share/hadoop/mapreduce/hadoop-mapreduce-examples-*.jar grep input output'dfs[a-z.]+'# 运行实...
Hadoop(4)-MapReduce 摘要:在之前建立的HDFS基础上,自己编写MapReduce程序,打包,并运行。 重新打包WordCount并执行 新建一个Maven项目,将示例程序中WordCount.java的复制到新项目中,使用mvn clean package打包为jar文件并复制到服务器。 WordCount.java内容如下阅读全文 ...
New issue Closed stormrise openedonMay 26, 2020 when reboot server, this class not found problem will appear, seems that the hive-hadoop2 plugin aws*.jar don't know somehow missing or deleted by others, reboot or shutdown will cause the problem, and it happens very often. To solve this...
of the shaded `software.amazon.awssdk:bundle:jar` artifact. 1. Run a full AWS-test suite with S3 client-side encryption enabled by setting `fs.s3a.encryption.algorithm` to 'CSE-KMS' and setting up AWS-KMS Key ID in `fs.s3a.encryption.key`. The dependency chain of the `hadoop-aws`...