1、Single Node Setup 2、Hdfs Shell Handbook 3、Hdfs error:could only be replicated to 0 nodes instead of 1 4、Hadoop:Could not create Java Virtual Machine 5、Namenode not starting 6、Faile to start datanode while start-dfs.sh is executed by root user...
1. 安装jdk1.7的环境 下载hadoop. hadoop-2.5.2.tar.gz版本 2.进入hadoop的网站,点击左下角的Documentation,找到对应的版本 ,点击进入,找到Single Node Setup的说明文档,按照文档说明开始配置 1.编辑etc/hadoop/hadoop-env.sh 2. 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 复制 Cloud Studio代码运行 #setto the rooto...
5.3执行: 下面介绍在本地运行一个MapReduce,如果你想在YARN上执行任务,参考YARN on a Single Node: 1文件系统格式: bin/hdfs namenode -format 2.开启 NameNode进程和 DataNode进程 sbin/start-dfs.sh hadoop后台日志写入到 $HADOOP_LOG_DIR (默认是 $HADOOP_HOME/logs) 3.为NameNode配置web界面;默认下这个...
这个文档描述了如何安装配置hadoop集群,从几个节点到上千节点。为了学习hadoop,你可能先从单节点入手 (查看 Single Node Setup).这里有中文版hadoop2.7【单节点】单机、伪分布、分布式安装指导 http://www.aboutyun.com/thread-12798-1-1.html 这个文档不包括:hadoop在安全模式下配置和HA【高可用配置】,后面在更新...
下面介绍在本地运行一个MapReduce,如果你想在YARN上执行任务,参考YARN on a Single Node: 1文件系统格式: bin/hdfs namenode -format 2.开启 NameNode进程和 DataNode进程 sbin/start-dfs.sh hadoop后台日志写入到 $HADOOP_LOG_DIR (默认是 $HADOOP_HOME/logs) ...
● Single Node Setup for first-time users. ● Cluster Setup for large, distributed clusters. The rest of this document assumes the user is able to set up and run a HDFS with at least one DataNode. For the purpose of this document, both the NameNode and DataNode could be running on the...
1 dfsmetrics.log 1 dfsadmin 1 dfs.servers 1 dfs.replication 1 dfs.file bash-4.1# Now you've successfully setup a single node Hadoop cluster using Docker. You can check out other articles on Alibaba Cloud to learn more about Docker and Hadoop....
Hadoop requires SSH access to manage its nodes, i.e. remote machines plus your local machine if you want to use Hadoop on it (which is what we want to do in this short tutorial). For our single-node setup of Hadoop, we therefore need to configure SSH access tolocalhostfor thehduserus...
运行以下 Ksetup 命令以添加一个领域条目: 控制台 复制 C:> Ksetup /addkdc REALM.COM <your_kdc_server_address> C:> ksetup /addhosttorealmmap HDFS-service-FQDN REALM.COM 建立从 Windows 域到 Kerberos 领域的信任。 在下面的示例中,[password] 是主体 krbtgt/REALM.COM@...