"OS error code 19: No such device" "OS error code 20: Not a directory" "OS error code 21: Is a directory" "OS error code 22: Invalid argument" "OS error code 23: Too many open files in system" "OS error code 24: Too many open files" "OS error code 25: Inappropriate...
重启HDFS的进程后,重新提交job,发现还是报这个错,然后通过仔细观察WebUI的log发现一句话:`Hadoop MapReduce Error - /bin/bash: /bin/java: is a directory` 终于找到错误的所在,原来是找不到Java。 最后我在etc/hadoop/hadoop.env.sh中配置了java_home,问题解决。
isSymlink(); } /** * Is this a directory? *@returntrue if this is a directory */ publicbooleanisDirectory() { returnisdir; } /** * Old interface, instead use the explicit {@linkFileStatus#isFile()}, * {@linkFileStatus#isDirectory()}, and {@linkFileStatus#isSymlink()} *@returntr...
可以直接在(不用su - hadoop)hadoop用户vi rz.log,编辑成功 第二种方式:在root用户下将hadoop用户添加到root用户组usermod -a -G root hadoop,然后修改用户组的权限即第二组的权限chmod 664 fei.log 切换到hadoop用户su - hadoop,vi fei.log,编辑成功 linux禁止远程登录 1)进入终端窗口 2)进入root权限。输入...
List information about the FILEs (the current directory by default). Sort entries alphabetically if none of -cftuvSUX nor --sort is speci‐ fied. Mandatory arguments to long options are mandatory for short options too. -a, --all do not ignore entries starting with . ...
Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) is a file system that can manage large data sets with thousands of nodes running on commodity hardware.
isnotfound.HADOOP_CONF_DIRmaybeincomplete.Stoppingnamenodeson[node01]ERROR:Cannotfindconfigurationdirectory"/etc/hadoop"Usage:hdfs[OPTIONS] SUBCOMMAND [SUBCOMMAND OPTIONS]OPTIONSisnoneoranyof:tput:Novaluefor$TERMandno-Tspecified--buildpathsattempttoaddclassfilesfrombuildtree--configdirHadoopconfigdirectory--...
ssh login must be changed from the master machine. It is possible that the ssh to the new node without a password from the master must be verified. ssh hadoop@ or hadoop@slave3 Setting Hostname for New Node Hostname is setup in the file directory /etc/sysconfig/network On ...
Browse Directory Operation category READ is not supported in state standby. Visithttps://s.apache.org/sbnn-error 这是因为突然关机或者故障导致节点状态变成standby 先说原因 namenode一般是两个 active--对外提供服务 standby--对外不提供服务 这里可以看到我们的nn1节点状态变成standby了 ...
Hadoop Streaming is a part of the Hadoop Distribution System. It facilitates ease of writing Map Reduce programs and codes. Hadoop Streaming supports almost all types of programming languages such as Python, C++, Ruby, Perl etc. The entire Hadoop Streaming framework runs on Java. However, the ...