isEmpty()) { throw new AuthenticationException("Unauthorized access"); } try { tokenStr = signer.verifyAndExtract(tokenStr); } catch (SignerException ex) { throw new AuthenticationException(ex); } break; } } } if (tokenStr != null) { token = AuthenticationToken.parse(tokenStr); boolean...
In this paper, the most common HDFS security problems and a review of unauthorized access issues are presented. First, Hadoop mechanism and its main components are described as the introduction part of the leading research problem. Then, HDFS architecture is given, and all including components and...
Web控制台和客户端之间的数据传输通过使用SSL(HTTPS)保护。建议使用SSL配置,但使用Kerberos配置Hadoop安全性不是必需的。 要启用HDFS守护进程,一套Web控制台SSLdfs.http.policy要么HTTPS_ONLY或HTTP_AND_HTTPS在HDFS-site.xml中。 注意KMS和HttpFS不遵守此参数。 有关分别启用基于HTTPS的KMS和基于HTTPS的HttpFS的说明,...
方法二:检查仓库访问权限 如果你已经正确配置了SSH密钥,但仍然遇到"pull: unauthorized to access repository: hdfs/hadoop/centos7, action: pull"错误,那么可能是因为你没有正确设置仓库的访问权限。 请确保你有足够的权限来访问该仓库。如果你是该仓库的拥有者或管理员,你可以检查并修改仓库的访问权限。在GitHub上...
I get 403 Forbidden when I do not grant access via policies in Ranger or 401 Unauthorized when I provid invalid credentials. My user and group search base is specified only to one user and one group because of ldap sizelimit exceeded (I only want to test that it is working). I am...
(token.getExpires(),not(0L));Assert.assertFalse("Token is expired.",token.isExpired());}else{//make sure that no auth cookie is dropped.//For unauthorized response, auth cookie is dropped with empty valueAssert.assertTrue("cookie is present",!cookieMap.containsKey(AuthenticatedURL.AUTH_...
4月30日,阿里云发现,俄罗斯黑客利用HadoopYarn资源管理系统REST API未授权访问漏洞进行攻击。Hadoop是一款由Apache基金会推出的分布式系统框架,它通过著名的 MapReduce 算法进行分布式处理,Yarn是Hadoop集群的资源管理系统。此次事件主要因HadoopYARN 资源管理系统配置不当,导致可以未经授权进行访问,从而被攻击者恶意利用。攻击...