搭建好了hadoop环境后,namenode、datanode看着都是正常的。但是当点到browser the file system时,结果报错了,报错的内容是“Failed to retrieve data from /webhdfs/v1/?op=LISTSTATUS: Server Error“. 在解决这个问题上,我走了一些弯路。比如修改hadoop的core-site.xml,hdfs-site.xml。设置文件权限,修改文件目录...
(2).hadoop默认的hdfs web控制界面的端口为9870,如果在hdfs-site.xml中没有配置dfs.namenode.http-address项,可以尝试用默认端口访问。 问题2:浏览器点击Browse the file system打开文件系统报错:Failed to retrieve data from /webhdfs/v1/?op=LISTSTATUS: Server Error 这个问题查找了相关资料,发现是Java版本过高...
Failed to add storage directory [DISK]file:/home/hdfs/data/ 找不到文件。格式化过多,使namenode和datanode的id号不能匹配就不能访问登录类。 所以删除data文件再重新格式化 Failed to retrieve data from /webhdfs/v1/?op=LISTSTATUS: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException 是换用户引起的权限问题,检查h...
不要经常格式化。 4. <Failed to retrieve data from /webhdfs/v1/?op=LISTSTATUS: Server Error> 当开启hdfs后如果在Browse Directory出现这个说明使用的是java11以上的版本,因为java11以后移除了javax.activation包,解决方法就是下回来 或者: wget https://download.jar-download.com/cache_jars/javax.activation/...
报错Failed to retrieve data from /webhdfs/v1/?op=LISTSTATUS: Server Error 查看日志关键部分: Block pool ID nee… 阅读全文 Hadoop_HDFS(二):Shell操作之文件的管理(上传下载删除等) 公众号:川川带你学AI 专注大数据方面竞赛、知识分享~基本语法hadoop fs 具体命令 和hdfs dfs 具体命令,两个是完全相同...
如果你的管理界面中的explorer.html(eg:出现错误Failed to retrieve data from /webhdfs/v1/?op=LISTSTATUS: Server Error,如下图所示,说明你的hadoop版本与jdk版本不兼容,建议使用openjdk-8。假设你目前使用的时openjdk-11,你应该在所有节点中执行以下指令以替换jdk...
Lines 80 to 85 in 9a743bd static { Configuration conf = new HdfsConfiguration(); MAX_PACKET_SIZE = conf.getInt(HdfsClientConfigKeys. DFS_DATA_TRANSFER_MAX_PACKET_SIZE, HdfsClientConfigKeys.DFS_DATA_TRANSFER_MAX_PACKET_SIZE_DEFAULT); } Contributor Author cxzl25 Nov 12, 2024 ...
oracle.hadoop.loader.input.hive.databaseName HiveToAvroInputFormat contacts the HiveMetaStoreClient to retrieve information about the table's columns, location, InputFormat, serDe, and so on. Depending on the way in which Hive was configured, additional hive-specific properties must be set (such...
4 Hadoop supports distributed applications handling extremely large volumes of data. Many members of the community contributed to the development and optimization of Hadoop and of several related Apache projects such as Hive and HBase. Hadoop is used by many organization from industry, government, ...
Specifying n=0 will return 0 records and should be used to retrieve data structure attributes, such as the columns names of a data.frame. Specifying a negative value means "at least", For example, n=-1000L will try to retrive 1000 records or more. The number of HDFS part files to ...