Hadley Wickham 的作品(5)收藏 评分 年份 角色 Advanced R (2/e) 16 9.5 2019 作者 R for Data Science (2/e) 17 2023 作者 R Packages (2/e) 0 2023 作者 Advanced R Solutions 0 2021 作者 精通Shiny 0 2023 作者 > 我来报错 > 我来补充 >去 哈德利·威克汉姆 作者页 ...
Hadley Wickham是RStudio 的首席科学家,Rice University 统计系的助理教授,并且是著名R语言dplyr和ggplot2包的开发者,可以说他的存在改变了R语言的命运。 通过对以上书中内容的翻译,使我对数据科学有了更为清晰的认识,也为我以后的R语言学习增加了新的能量。
Hadley Wickham is Chief Scientist at RStudio and a member of the R Foundation. He builds tools (both computational and cognitive) that make data science easier, faster, and more fun. His work includes packages for data science (ggplot2, dplyr, tidyr), data ingest (readr,...
Install the R packages used by the book with: #install.packages("devtools")devtools::install_deps() Build the book In RStudio, press Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + B. Or run: bookdown::render_book("index.Rmd") About ggplot2: elegant graphics for data analysis ...
翻译的是Google上hadley wickham的ggplot-book书上第二章,Getting started with ggplot2,来源具体网站(需要翻墙)http://ms.mcmaster.ca/~bolker/misc/ggplot2-book.pdf 第二章,ggplot2入门 2.1 介绍 本章的目标是教你怎么用ggplot2尽快做出有用的图形,你将学到基础的ggplot()连同一些有用的“食谱”来做出最重要...
But a few years ago I really enjoyed this book by Cal Newport called So Good They Can’t Ignore You about building up career capital that you can trade in to get the types of things you want out of a job or out of a career. Then if you’re thinking about the long haul, you’...
the more effectively you’ll be able to use ggplot2. This book assumes some basic familiarity with R,to the level described in the first chapter of Dalgaard’s Introductory Statistics with R. You should know how to get your data into R and how to do basic data manipulations. If you don...
原文链接:http://ggplot2.org/book/qplot.pdf 2.1 介绍 在这一章,你将会学习用包ggplot2里的第一个函数,做一些多样的图。 qplot()函数简单快速绘图。qplot可以轻松的用一行代码生成复杂的图,如果用其他画图系统却经常需要许多行的代码。qplot()可以这样做因为它建立在绘图的语法基础上,这个使你可以创建简单,然而...