The Phantom of the Opera at the Royal Albert Hall (2011) Raoul $5.3MM Les Misérables in Concert: The 25th Anniversary (2010) Grantaire, Performer ("The ABC Café/Red and Black", "At the Barricade (Upon These Stones)", "Javert's Arrival/Little People", "Night of Anguish", "The...
Hadley Fraser. Interprete: Les Misérables. Hadley Fraser è nato il 21 aprile 1980. Luogo di nascita: Inghilterra, Regno Unito. È conosciuto come attore. È celebre per aver partecipato a Les Misérables (2012), Assassinio sull'Orient Express (2017
Hadley Fraser的歌Hadley Fraser英国西区著名音乐剧/舞台剧演员,曾在歌剧魅影25周年出演Raoul de Chagny(子爵), 在悲惨世界25周年纪念演唱会出演格朗泰尔,并曾与Tom Hiddleston(抖森)同台演出莎士比亚戏剧Coriolanus。封面出自Hadley和Emilia Clarke(龙妈)演的微电影Shackled。
Thanks. I think Raoul's a product of his moneyed up-bringing. But with a lot of backbone, actually. 懒不死你 军官肉排 7 91.What's your favourite thing to cook/bake? Most frequently, banana loaf. Because it's hard to screw up and we always seem to have browning bananas sitting ar...
Raoul $5.3MM Les Misérables in Concert: The 25th Anniversary(2010) Grantaire, Performer ("The ABC Café/Red and Black", "At the Barricade (Upon These Stones)", "Javert's Arrival/Little People", "Night of Anguish", "The First Attack", "Drink with Me") ...
Hadley Fraser. Besetzung: Les Misérables. Hadley Fraser wurde am 21 April 1980 in Windsor, Berkshire, England, UK geboren. Er ist Schauspieler, bekannt für Les Misérables (2012), Mord im Orient-Express (2017) und Legend of Tarzan (2016). Er ist seit d
He is a close friend ofRamin Karimloo. Karimloo's youngest son is named Hadley, after Fraser. Soprannomi Hads Hedley Hadders Notizie correlate Breaking Baz: Sam Mendes Tony-Award Winning ‘The Lehman Trilogy’ Makes Fourth Return To London Stage After Hit Drama Plays To Half A Million World...
哈德利·弗雷泽(Hadley Fraser),外号肉排,1980年4月21日出生于英国伯克希尔温莎,妻子是Rosalie Craig,英国舞台剧、影视演员。。Hadley 在伯明翰大学Birmingham University取得文学士学位后,又在英国皇家音乐学院Royal Academy of Music英国皇家音乐学院取得硕士学位。他在出演过许多西区剧院的作品,并在《神秘博士》的“...