See how you can help contribute to Hades Wiki! Remember to maintain a standard for grammar and punctuation in your contributions, please. Register Register an account to keep track of your contributions. Main page sections:1·2·3·4. Changes for the main page can be proposedhere. ...
Hades Wiki Keepsakes/Hades II Hades Persephone Thanatos Top Pages this Week Hades II 1 Characters 2 Keepsakes 3 Characters/Hades II 4 Melinoë 5 KeepsakeDescriptionSource & Bond MessageNotes Yourbecomes, which briefly makes you; yourstartsfull. ...
The following are the minimum and recommendedsystem requirementsforHadesandHades II. While these requirements do not represent a guaranteed working configuration, meeting the minimum requirements should ensure at least a launch-able environment. Hades Starting January 1st, 2024, the Steam Client will onl...
Hades Wiki Keepsakes/Hades II Hades Persephone Thanatos Top Pages this Week Hades II 1 Characters 2 Keepsakes 3 Characters/Hades II 4 Melinoë 5 Some of the keepsakes have references to real life mythology; Frostbitten Horn - the horn is an item often associated withDemeter. ...
Hades Wiki Thanatos Hades Persephone Top Pages this Week Hades II 1 Characters 2 Keepsakes 3 Ares 4 Characters/Hades II 5 KeepsakeDescriptionSource & Bond MessageNotes Yourbecomes, which briefly makes you; yourstartsfull. Stealth Damage Bonus: ...
The Disney Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Hades. Trivia[] Hades' personality and Yiddish mannerisms are said to be based on Jeffrey Katzenberg, a former Disney Studios Chairman who left the company on bad terms to start DreamWorks Animation.[3] Hades has a leitmotif,...
本项目基于 进行二次开发,原始项目由 PonyWarrior 贡献,遵循 MIT 许可证。使用方法:下载后解压到Hades II\Content目录下,双击Hades II\Content\modimporter.exe运行,游戏内按I打开物品栏标签最后一栏开启修改 75KB 2 61 View More - New this week Media...
而2018年加入超巨星的Joanne Tran(作品链接在此,蛮好看的),作为环境美术,也为《Hades》提供了许多精美的地图(还有3D建模、UI动画等相关人员就不赘述了,可看超巨星官网或者Wiki)。虽然本作的工作量翻倍了,但场景美术仍然在线甚至更加精致了——植被茂密的厄瑞玻斯、水很多且晶体管既视感很重的俄刻阿诺斯、荒凉开阔...
Hades “全自动轻机枪。同类武器中射程最高,后坐力中等。” ——游戏内描述 多人联机 Hades是《黑色行动4》中的一把轻机枪。 这是一把小威力的轻机枪定位的武器。Hades常规情况下可以做到5枪毙命,考虑爆头的话,1.1倍的爆头加成可以让Hades两枪命中头部即可做到4枪毙命。爆头还是有一定的效果。默认情况下,Hades可...
下载地址 解压到Hades II\Content目录下双击modimporter.exe运行即可【每次版本更新需要重新运行!】之前下载了我的mod的最好把原来的文件和导入文件删掉,我没试过但保留的话估计会有冲突,可以先用steam的检查文件完整性还原下文件再操作 2楼2024-05-17 16:12 收起回复 磁石...