then you’re in the right place. The titan-sized roguelike follow-up to Supergiant’s original dungeon crawler has a whole host of characters waiting to aid protagonist Melinoë – the chthonic goddess and baby sister of the first game’s main character, Zagreus – in her quest to take do...
初代的 《黑帝斯》 自一開始便是專為搶先體驗而設計的一款遊戲,續作《黑帝斯 II》 也是秉持著相同的創作理念而開發。玩家於此期間所提出的回饋能幫助團隊規劃未來一系列的重大更新,帶來全新功能、角色、環境等內容,讓遊戲內容愈趨完整。 顯示更多 主遊戲 搶先體驗 CN¥108 立即購買 新增至購物車新增至願望清單...
When focusing on the main objectives, Hades II is about 19½ Hours in length. If you're a gamer that strives to see all aspects of the game, you are likely to spend around 59 Hours to obtain 100% completion. Platform: PC Genres: Action, Roguelike, Role-Playing Developer: Supergiant ...
In the decades following the release of Hercules, Woods has remained openly fond and protective of the role of Hades, and has gone on record saying he will always return to reprise the role should the character be used for any purpose—true to his word, Woods has voiced Hades in every...
Featuring excellent refinements to its roguelite progression, a fantastic new main character in Melinoe, and two unique sets of levels that have you fighting foes on the surface and in the underworld. Read full review GameSpot Alessandro Barbosa 9 / 10 Hades II is an ambitious expansion of ...
In Hades II, you play as Melinoë, the Princess of the Underworld, an immortal witch and sorceress with powerful magical abilities, deadly skill with a variety of shadowy weapons, and a score to settle.Like her brother Zagreus from the original game, Melinoë is not a character of our ...
The game takes on the title ofHades II, and it does it for a good reason. Hades is still important inHades IIdespite his role being completely different. Instead of the main antagonist of the game, Hades serves as a character in need of saving. ...
初代《Hades》从一开始便是为抢先体验设计;《Hades II》也是一样。随着游戏逐渐接近完成,玩家反馈将会帮助我们塑造未来一系列的重大更新,这些更新将带来新功能、新角色、新区域,以及更多内容。 显示更多内容 基础游戏 抢先体验 ¥108 立即购买 加入购物车添至愿望清单 Epic 奖励 返利5% 退款类型 可自助退款 开发...
I'm grinding through the game to buy furniture for the main character's bedroom...So even though the game is fun and addicting, there isn't too much motivation to keep going other than story tidbits from in-game characters you interact with.Overall, the gameplay, gameplay progression, ...
Ambrosia•Anvil of Fates•Bloodstones•Centaur Heart•Charon's Obol•Chthonic Key•Daedalus Hammer•Darkness•Diamond•Gemstone•Keepsakes•Loyalty Card•Nectar•Pom of Power•Red Onion•Titan Blood Companions Companion Battie•Companion Fidi•Companion Mort•Companion Rib•Compan...