【HadesⅡ】【修..这就是修改器的终极形态,游戏内的作弊菜单下载地址: wwm.lanzn.com/iyxOG1yraypc将文件复制到Hades II\Content\Scripts目录下,然后修改RoomLogic.
Reroll 锤子的..打开 Hades II\Content\Scripts\MetaUpgradeData.lua最后一行找到:RerollCosts ={Boon = 1,Shop = 1,SellTrait = 1,
Hades II\Content\Scripts\HeroData.lua Code: Select all BoonData = { GameStateRequirements = { RequiredMinCompletedRuns = 2 }, ForceCommon = false, RarityChances = { Rare = 0.01, Epic = 0.99, Duo = 0.99, Legendary = 0.99, }, ReplaceChance = 0.25, }, HermesData = { ForceCommon =...
Update build scripts: git pull For more usage of git, referred to https://git-scm.com/book Rerun the script, replace the content of your previous installation and rerun Install.ps1. Don't worry, your data will be preserved. How can I get the logcat from WSA? %LOCALAPPDATA%\Packages...
Attention!At the time of last update for this README, attempt to run scripts if they are located in path that contains spaces (like "Zulu Storage" inD:\Zulu Storage\WSA) will result in an error. Be sure to use paths with no spaces as long as fix have not been implemented. ...
将文件复制到Hades II\Content\Scripts目录下,然后修改RewardLogic.lua,在里面100行位置添加一行Import "_cheat.lua"即可 4楼2024-05-08 20:58 收起回复 磁石战士 热度一 7 -- 每轮冒险的初始金币数量initMoney = 100这里可以修改初始的金币,通过在每轮游戏刚开始时调用 AddResource( "Money", initMoney, "...
将文件复制到Hades II\Content\Scripts目录下,然后修改RewardLogic.lua,在里面100行位置添加一行Import "_cheat.lua"即可 4楼2024-05-08 20:58 收起回复 磁石战士 热度一 7 -- 每轮冒险的初始金币数量initMoney = 100这里可以修改初始的金币,通过在每轮游戏刚开始时调用 AddResource( "Money", initMoney, "...
将文件复制到Hades II\Content\Scripts目录下,然后修改RewardLogic.lua,在里面100行位置添加一行Import "_cheat.lua"即可 4楼2024-05-08 20:58 收起回复 磁石战士 热度一 7 -- 每轮冒险的初始金币数量initMoney = 100这里可以修改初始的金币,通过在每轮游戏刚开始时调用 AddResource( "Money", initMoney, "...