Hades Wiki/Section 2 本周热门页面 阿瑞斯 1 阿弗洛狄忒 2 阿尔忒弥斯 3 哈迪斯 (游戏) 4 狮鹫坚炮 5 阿尔忒弥斯 雅典娜 赫尔墨斯 波塞冬 宙斯 卡俄斯 忒修斯 查看更多角色 主页面有四部分:1·2·3·4。对主页的更改请求可以在这里提出。 社区内容除另有注明外,均在CC-BY-SA许可协议下提供。
Hades appears as a boss in the PSP game,Fairy Tail: Zeref's Awakening.[78] (ToTeam Natsu)"The mistakes people make are eventually labeled as experience. But with a true mistake, there will be no experience to be gained. Because the mistake you made taking me as your opponent will leav...
Unlike the first game, Dionysus appears in a specific chamber in-person. He can be encountered on Mount Olympus. Contents 1 Characteristics and Personality 2 Physical description 3 Hades 4 Hades II 5 Affinity 5.1 Favor 6 Codex entry 7 Book of Shadows entry (Hades II) 8 Trivia 9 ...
This page contains a history of all patch notes for Hades. Patch 056 - July 27, 2021 Patch 055 - April 21, 2021 Patch 054 - April 1, 2021 Patch 053 - February 2, 2021 Patch 052 - December 1, 2020 Patch 051 - October 27, 2020 Patch 050 - October 13, 2020
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Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki Monster ka Blue-Eyes White Dragon Dark Magician (Black Magician) Obelisk the Tormentor (Giant Soldier God of Obelisk) Slifer the Sky Dragon (Sky Dragon of Osiris) The Winged Dragon of Ra (Winged God Dragon of Ra)
Retribution Hades激活了护盾,然后发射内置武器。护盾吸收的伤害会增强内置武器。护盾处于活动状态时,移动速度会降低。Absorber 不可穿透的护罩可吸收无限量的伤害。冷却时间:12秒。最大伤害奖励:100%内置武器射程:500米。速度降低:20%推荐装备:2x Spark, 1x Redeemer (简介取自游戏内描述,本段文本应当与游戏界面保持...
Afrodita es la Diosa Olímpica del Amor y la Belleza. Le ofrecerá bendiciones a Zagreo que lanzarán un estado de alteración específica, débil, con el que hará que los enemigos sufran más daños. Las bendiciones de Afrodita no solo aumentan tu da
Fan Central Current Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki Others Like You Viewed Yami Bakura Bandit King Bakura Aknadin Pharaoh Atem Aknamkanon In every odd numbered Yu-Gi-Oh! anime series (so far), the final bosses name has 4 letters and starts with "Z". The remaining letters in their name are similar loo...
Retribution Hades激活了护盾,然后发射内置武器。护盾吸收的伤害会增强内置武器。护盾处于活动状态时,移动速度会降低。Absorber 不可穿透的护罩可吸收无限量的伤害。冷却时间:12秒。最大伤害奖励:100%内置武器射程:500米。速度降低:20%推荐装备:2x Spark, 1x Redeemer (简介取自游戏内描述,本段文本应当与游戏界面保持...