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📢 Titan Blood sold at the Wretched Broker now yields more Gemstones Infernal Arms, Aspects, & Abilities • Shield of Chaos: slightly reduced Bull Rush charge-up time (to how it was before the Long Winter Update) • Adamant Rail: increased autolock radius while using gamepad Boons & Bl...
The Titan - Gain +20 max HP and max magick. The Centaur - Every five locations/rooms you explore grants +3 HP and magick. Eternity - Gives you +1 Death's Defiance. Note that Death's Defiance is triggered when Melinoe dies. Instead of respawning back at the Crossroads, she'll automatic...
{ BuyName = "SuperLockKeys", BuyAmount = 1, CostName = "SuperGiftPoints", CostAmount = 1, Priority = true, PurchaseSound = "/SFX/TitanBloodPickupSFX", GameStateRequirements = { RequiredKills = { Theseus = 1 }, }, }, -- Limited Time Trades { BuyName = "GiftPoints", BuyAmount ...
PurchaseSound = "/SFX/TitanBloodPickupSFX",GameStateRequirements = { RequiredKills = { Theseus = 1 }, },},这五个分别对应冥府钥匙、蜜露、钻石、仙酒、泰坦之血,CostAmount 改为0 3楼2020-02-26 11:50 回复 Seven 初级粉丝 1 死里逃生的次数怎么改? 5楼2021-03-20 10:52 收起回复 ...
《午夜凶追》吸血鬼主题轻肉鸽风动作冒险游戏#Midnight Blood Rush 00:33 《光之奥德赛》BOSS站主题类魂动作肉鸽 #Light Odyssey 01:27 简中/《末日降临:绝地生存》俯视角动作砍杀合作生存资源收集1.0正式版 #Nearly Dead - Live and Let Die 01:49 精彩绝伦的团队动作肉鸽《Helmscape》 15:49 《荒光:...
Initially, you pay the contractor usingGemstonesthat you find inTartarusand elsewhere. As you progress through the game and clear the second region,Asphodel, you gain access to a costlier currency:Diamonds. These you can use in trade while visiting theWretched Broker(who exchanges 2 Diamonds for...
book onSpelunky, a titan of the roguelike/lite genre, and a chief example of the gametype having both its detractors and proponents. To Yu,Spelunkyshould be hard and frustrating, because the joy comes from beating a challenge that the player achieved through knowledge, rather than in-game ...
NumPad5: Game Speed Editor Options # Currency Gold Darkness Keys Reroll Stones Gemstones Diamonds Titan Blood Nectar Ambrosia Notes EDITOR OPTIONS The best time to use the EDITOR options is when you FIRST enter a level when you start. The values being shown are likely the current values for...
Pact of Punishment down: an item that turns down the level of pact of punishment. Note the game may load this effect on the next room, biome or run. Keys, Darkness, Gemstones, Diamonds, Titan Blood, Nectar and Ambrosia as filler items. ...