在哈迪斯中好感度需要赠送对方蜜露(Nectar)来增加,到一定程度之后会有一个上锁的好感度需要你完成对方要求之后才能开始赠送仙酿(Ambrosia)。如果需要修改条约或是其它特殊需求,可能会需要找冥府承包商查询条款要求,通常这种需要宝钻或大量使用其它宝藏。 各个角色好感度事件与要求一览 1、Cerberus 刻尔帕洛斯 哈迪斯想要解...
Keepsakes are obtained by giving various NPCsNectar gifts. One of these NPCs is Schelemeus, the skeletal fella in the training room. His Keepsake, the Luckier Tooth, grants one Death Defiance token, which also heals for a huge amount once triggered. You can learn more about the Luckier Toot...
There are severalKeepsakesthat help with your survivability. Make sure you give at least one Nectar to certain allies to obtain these accessories. Note that having a Keepsake equipped and completing numerous encounters also boosts their respective effects: ...
那么就让我们来看一看蜜露应该先送给谁吧。 赠送蜜露要有个优先级,可以先送给狗狗,然后加血,镜子肯定是2段冲刺,然后复活1次,然后解锁加血,等加血满了,然后饰品就可以换其他的了,毕竟血量重要,开荒也方便。 《黑帝斯 Hades》中的各个角色的好感度需要完成相应的事件才能解锁,好感度需要赠送对方蜜露(Nectar)来增加...
Keepsakes are items that can be equipped to obtain some sort of benefit during a run. They are acquired by giving Nectar to various characters for the first time. Zagreus can equip Keepsakes from the display case in the Courtyard.
Nectar Collapse 1st Time Collapse Zagreus: "Eurydice, thank you for making me feel welcome in your pleasant home. Can't say the same for most place I've been lately. I've a small gift I wanted you to have." Eurydice : "Aw, that's awful sweet of you, Your Royal Majesty. Bringing...
This “social link” system is very much appreciated, because it makes you consider where you’re going to spend your Nectar or Ambrosia (gifts to advance individual plots) that you pick up in the world. The Olympic gods also take gifts and have their own plots, but you can only advance...
📢 You now can pet Cerberus without having to give him Nectar📢 The Keepsake Screen has unique messages for each character with whom you forge a bond• The crowd has more dynamic reactions in the final chamber in Elysium• The Head Chef in the House of Hades now cuts onions ...
If you get Sisyphus's room, you must give Bouldy a Nectar if possible. If you get Eurydice's room, you must choose the "next 3 boons are of increased rarity" benefit. You cannot purge boons. Every boon is precious. Use whatever weapon/form/companion/keepsakes/mirror/punishments you want...