矩阵的Hadamard积是矩阵理论研究及其应用的重要课题之一,本文给出了非负矩阵与非奇异M-矩阵的逆矩阵的Hadamard积的谱半径新的上界估计式,理论证明新的上界估计式精确度有所提高.%The Hadamard product of matrix is one of the important topics in the research of matrix theory and its application.In this ...
2) Hadamard product of matrix Hadamard乘积矩阵 3) Hadamard matrix Hadamard矩阵 1. Some conductions aboutHadamard matrix; 关于Hadamard矩阵的几个结论 2. The properties and applications ofHadamard matrix; Hadamard矩阵的若干性质及应用 3. Construction and normal character Kronecker product of matrices ofHad...
The authors find the best possible bounds for some functions of the eigenvalues of (A C)C 1 ( meaning the Hadamard product) with fixed positive definite (or semidefinite) matrix A, and C running through the set of all positive definite matrices....
The context of the problem is one I'm trying to solve with regards to shaping the ambiguity function of a given vectorxx. The ambiguity function is given by: E=A((xxHA)⊙AH)AHE=A((xxHA)⊙AH)AH whereAAis theN×NN×Ndiscrete Fourier transform matrix andxxis the vector whose ambiguity...
: 设A为mxp的矩阵,B为pxn的矩阵,则称C=AB为矩阵A与B的乘积,且C为mxn的矩阵,其中矩阵C中的第 i 行第 j列元素可以表示为: 1.2矩阵乘积的运算...背景下对相关的矩阵运算进行梳理,涉及矩阵乘积(matrixproduct)、元素对应乘积(element-wiseproduct)、卷积操作(convolution)、相关操作和克罗内克积 ...
4) Hadamard product of matrix Hadamard乘积矩阵5) Hadamard product Hadamard积 1. Some Properties of Hadamard Product of n×n Real Matrices; 实矩阵的Hadamard积的一些性质 2. Hadamard product for inverse M-matrices of some special types; 五对角线逆M-矩阵的Hadamard积(英文) 3. Some matrixes...
Johnson Matrix Analysis Cambridge University Press, New York (1985) Google Scholar [2] M.S. Lynn On the Schur product of the H-matrices and non-negative matrices and related inequalities Proc. Cambridge Philos., 60 (1964), pp. 425-431 View in ScopusGoogle Scholar [3] T. Ando ...
Hadamard product The first time you see matrices, if someone asked you how you multiply two matrices together, your first idea might be to multiply every element of the first matrix by the element in the same position of the corresponding matrix, analogous to the way you add matrices....
theHadamardproductofAandB~isgiven.Thisboundimprovestheresultof[4]. Keywords M—matrix InequMi~ Hadamardproduct Smallesteigenvalue 一矩阵Hadamard积的新不等式 陈付彬 (昆明理工大学津桥学院工学系,昆明,650106) 摘 要 设A和B是非奇异M一矩阵,给出了关于A和日一’的Hadamard积的最小特征值下界f(A。B)的...
关键词:H -矩阵;M -矩阵;Hadamard 积;行列式中图分类号:0151.22 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1672-612X(2021)08-0001-030引言 H -矩阵是一类特殊矩阵,它在计算数学、经济学、管理科学、神经网络和控制论等诸多学科都有着重要 的应用.而矩阵的Hadamard 积是一种特殊的矩阵乘积,它被广泛的应用于量子...