That point in time needs to be defined either explicitly in the sentence or inferred from a previous part of conversation. Leonah's examples do just that and are really good. To avoid confusion, her last two examples: I had a great boss when I worked for ABC I had a great job before...
1. I had been calling with my friend yesterday For this sentence it would make more sense to just say “i called my friend yesterday.” Unless there is a specific event that took place during the call. For example: I had been calling my friend when suddenly she hung up on me. ...
动词 have 的用法和普通动词 do,go,drink 一样。一般现在时形式是这样的: I/you/we/they + have,he/she/it + has。"Have" is usually for possession or actions which collocate, link to the verb "have". For example: "I have a sister."Have 通常表示拥有或与 have 搭配的动作。例如:“我...
The sentence “I only had two drinks”, by itself, without any situation connected to it, is ambiguous. I only had two drinks这句话在没有任何相关语境时,它本身是有多重意思的。 Ambiguous means that something is unclear because it can be understood in more than one way. Ambiguous表示某事不...
The D-DAY LANDINGS By spring 1944, the Second World War had been raging across the globe for about five years. But along the south coast of England, something unusual was happening: Allied troops made up mainly of British, Canadian and American soldiers were gathering in large numbers. This...
Come on, let's get started.来吧,我们开始吧。Now, before we talk about have had and has had, let's first understand how have, has and had work individually in one sentence.在讨论“have had”和“has had”之前,我们先来理解“have”、“has”和“had”在句子中的单独用法。Now, both have...
We will read some examples for you. The first sentence will be in slow, careful speech. Then we will read it again in rapid, informal speech. I should have been listening to what she had to say. I shoulda been listenin' ta what ...
答案 They are examples of those who talked to LLiz and Bill. 30. According to the text, what will Liz and Bill do in the future? 答案 Continue what they are doing. 31. According to the text, how do they like the idea of writing a book? Choose one sentence from the text to ...
Here are some examples: I had a delicious meal yesterday. She had already left when I arrived. They had finished the project before the deadline. So, the main difference lies in the tense and the subject of the sentence. "Has" and "have" are used in the present tense, while "had" ...
If you are still studying, whether you are good or bad at school, don't take your school results too seriously as long as you have put your heart into it. Keep learning to make the most of your talents (天赋). That's how you can live a happy and successful life.(如果你已经完成...