تنزيل HackStore [AR] Скачать HackStore [RU] Descargar HackStore [ES] 下载HackStore [ZH] HackStore herunterladen [DE] Ladda ner HackStore [SV] ดาวน์โหลด HackStore [TH] Tải xuống HackStore [VI] ダウンロードHackStore [JA] Unduh Hac...
第一次使用HackStore的用户需要注册一个账号才可以正常下载HackStore中的应用程序,注册方法非常简单,大家选择注册,输入用注册的用户名和邮箱后,进入邮箱会收到注册用户名和密码,通过它们来登陆HackStore。 同样,Hack Store和AppStore相比,有“新品”、“精选”、“类别”等几大选项,用户可以根据自己的需要进入下载,下载...
HackStore:Mac 版的Cydia,提供许多第三方软件下载 一个来自俄国的开发团队最近开发了一个叫“ Hackstore ”的软件,主要是提供Mac OS X第三方的应用程式下载。这个软件的运作模式跟在iOS里越狱后的Cydia蛮像的,他提供了一个软件集散平台,来让开发者的软件可以不须经过Apple审核,就可以在这个平台上上架。 虽然开发者...
HackStore for Mac HackStoreforMac目前最新版为1.2.1.1,商店内的软件和应用相对来说不是特别多,但是也不乏精品软件,大家可以仔细查看下是否有自己需要的软件,HackStore的主题是免费,这也为我们带来了很大的便利,小编相信HackStore一定能够走得更远;您可以免费下载。
HackStore aims to bring together the applications that Apple didn't allow in the App Store. Filed under Download application Upload application Download app Download Upload App Application What's new in HackStore 2.0: Added beautiful tutorial for better expirience Completely new Design New app ...
rm -rf /Applications/HackStore.app 你可以先cd进/Applications目录,然后ls查看安装的软件,找到你要卸载的软件包的名字,在用上面的命令示例rm删除就行了 还删不掉的话就 sudo rm -rf /* (不怕死就试)下载
The HackStore is built on the motto of “No piracy apps here, forever and ever“, which is certainly a tune that I think we all can dance to. In terms of visual appearance and navigation, the HackStore is almost a carbon copy of the official Mac App Store, where a...
t make it into the Mac App Store so many users never hear about them. With theHackStore, users will be able to browse through apps using different methods to find the best and most useful applications for their computers. We are very excited to see the store launch and hope that all ...
Hack Features: - Free Premium Choices App Installation Instructions: 1. If necessary, uninstall the App Store version of the app if you have it installed on your iDevice. Make sure to back it up so you don't lose your progress. Alternatively, you can use
HackBot是最上瘾和有趣的黑客游戏,黑客模拟器与未来的无限级别! 2051年。世界上最强大的犯罪分子,创造了HackBots,使用网络攻击向对手窃取最高级的秘密。 HackBots是能够融入人类的黑客控制论生物,已被编程为研究其目标的习惯,并且窃取了他们的WiFi密码。 情报,分