Reproducibility is a bedrock of science – we all know that our methods section should contain enough detail to allow an independent researcher to repeat our experiment. With the increasing use of computational methods in psychology, there’s increasing need – and increasing ability – for us to ...
" aka LSD blotter paper. Also known as theBlotter Barn, the museum is the brainchild—and home—of Mark McCloud, a self-professed acid-tripper who told Wired magazine that he credits LSD forsaving his lifewhen he fell out of a window while high. To meet...
Reproducibility is a bedrock of science – we all know that our methods section should contain enough detail to allow an independent researcher to repeat our experiment. With the increasing use of computational methods in psychology, there’s increasing need – and increasing ability – for us to ...
For Whom the Bell Tolls The Old Man and the Sea Linkto McSweeney’s post. Works like a charm The March edition ofHR Magazinehas an unintentionally hilarious coverarticleon ‘The Brain at Work’ which informs us that we can ‘squirt’ neurotransmitters into each others’ brains, tell us how...