The borough has brought in effective managers and has been investing in its staff and surroundings. The council has given jobs to 150 people in its house construction initiative.CushnieLorrraineLawyer
Page 3 covershomelessness– 1,000 people without homes in the borough and at least 600 empty council properties. (According toLondon World, Hackney had one of thei highest rates of homelessness in the country at the end of 2023, with 7,923 people estimated to be without permanent accomodati...
Quality of Services Hackney Still Worst Council in England; Borough Gets Lowest Possible Score for Quality of ServicesHackney Still Worst Council in England; Borough Gets Lowest Possible Score for Quality of Services
Hackney’s poor housing stock provides London’s lowly paid service workers with somewhere to live. On December 1st 1988 the largest employer was Hackney Council, employing 8,619. The Department of Employment’s statistics for 1986 show that out of 75,302 jobs in Hackney, 36,771 (49%) were...
It would also create 50 jobs in an area of acute high unemployment. In August 1995, Hackney was allocated [pounds sterling]4.8 million by the Sports Council, at that time the largest National Lottery award ever made to a sports complex. The leading architects of the land were invited to...
Labour in power : Hackney Borough Council, 1919-22.Burke, Barry
The Home Office's alleged collusion in removing these names suggested that the government was developing measures to combat what was perceived as 'illegal immigrants' access to jobs and services. This is reflected in the Asylum and Immigration Act 1996. This is a case study of discriminatory ...
Summarizes a court case involving the sale of land by the Hackney London Borough Council in England to prospective buyer Lemon Land Ltd. Background on the case; Decision of the court; Analysis of court decision; Opinion of Judge J. Lightman.Denyer-Green...
Worst Councils Are New Stars; about Turn: Broadway Market in Hackney. the Borough Was Once Ranked the Worst Council in England. It Now Has a Three-Star Rating in the League Table of London Authorities