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Java SQL 317 efficient solutions to HackerRank problems 10 Days of Statistics 30 Days of Code Algorithms Cracking the Coding Interview Data Structures General Programming Implementation Java SQL Solutions are coded using Java 8 SQL solutions are coded using MySQL 10 Days of Statistics DayChallengePoint...
hackerrank solutions java GitHub | hackerrank tutorial in java | hackerrank 30 days of code solutions | hackerrank algorithms solutions | hackerrank cracking the coding interview solutions | hackerrank general programming solutions | hackerrank implementation solutions | hackerrank data structures solutions in...
Java solution - passes 100% of test cases From myHackerRank solutions. Runtime: O(n) using HashMap and Deque. Space Complexity: O(n) publicclasstest{publicstaticvoidmain(String[]args){HashMap<Integer,Integer>map=newHashMap<>();Deque<Integer>deque=newArrayDeque<>();Scannerscan=newScanner(Sy...
Also, everyone and their mom has probably done thousands of leetcodes at this point and probably has spreadsheets and docs with their answers, not to mention things like github ai copilot which already knows all the solutions anyways. Even in person interviews, candidates will pretend like they...
ParentPermalink a_dobryn 7 years ago Sorry, have'nt seen your reply such a long time: staticintheight(Noderoot){if(root==null)return0;//some code then My code returns 0 when root is NULL and I had no problems with it. Maybe it was fixed later. ...
The test case input format for Q1 did not match the description There was a problem with the test case checker in Q3 (not sure what happened: could not AC in Java but rewrote in C++ and AC'd) The discussions tab was not working, which really exacerbated the problem with Q2. The conte...
This trick is pretty amazing. There are so many unique solutions for each of the harder tasks of this contest :D →Reply animeshf 5 years ago,#| ←Rev.5→ +30 The 7th task (Travel in Hackerland) can be done inO(NlogN)and we can process the queries online as well. ...
Google’s Go offers high concurrency, fast compilation and, of course, widespread support from its creator. Google also spurred the use of Kotlin when it moved its canonical Android language away from Java. Additionally, when Twitter outgrew Ruby on Rails, the company shined a spotlight on scal...