Problems Boxes_through_a_Tunnel.c Calculate_the_N_Number.c Dynamic_Array_in_C.c FilledOrders.c Permutations_of_Strings.c Post_Transition.c Small_Triangles_Large_Triangles.c Students_Marks_Sum.c Variadic_Function_in_C.c LICENSE README.mdBreadcrumbs HackerRank_C /Problems/...
// C > Arrays and Strings > Dynamic Array in C // // // // #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> /* * This stores the total number of books in each shelf. */ int* total_number_of_books; /* * This stores ...
= null fun dynamicArray(n: Int, queries: Array<Array<Int>>): Array<Int> { seqs = ArrayList<ArrayList<Int>>() for (i in 0 until n) { seqs!!.add(ArrayList<Int>()) } answerList = ArrayList() val size = queries.size for (i in 0 until size) { val type = queries[i][0] ...
Sum of Digits of a Five Digit Number【C语言】 Bitwise Operators【C语言】 1D Arrays in C【C语言】 Array Reversal【C语言】 Printing Tokens【C语言】 Digit Frequency【C语言】 Dynamic Array in C【C语言】 Calculate the Nth term【C语言】 Students Marks Sum【C语言】 Sorting Array of Strings【C语...
[HackerRank] Dynamic Array/** * * */ class DynamicArray { var lastAnswer = 0 var answerList: ArrayList<Int>? = null var seqs: ArrayList<ArrayList<Int>>? = null fun dynamicArray(n: Int, queries: Array<Array<Int>>): Array<...
Dynamic Array in C MediumC (Basic)Max Score: 40Success Rate: 86.18% Solve Challenge Calculate the Nth term EasyC (Intermediate)Max Score: 15Success Rate: 97.48% Solve Challenge Students Marks Sum EasyC (Basic)Max Score: 20Success Rate: 96.20% Solve Challenge Sorting Array of Strings HardC ...
round. Nice idea, with pretty easy implementation. It is really hard for the second day, you had 250 good submissions for 5 days, please think whether you missed level, or I am stupid :) For my opinion second day task must be on level C div 2, and this task is on level D div ...
Dynamic Array in C Create Dynamic Array in C Mar 2, 2021 For Loop in C Create For Loop in C Mar 2, 2021 Functions in C Create Functions in C Mar 2, 2021 Permutations of Strings Create Permutations of Strings Mar 2, 2021 Playing With Characters Create Playing With Characters Mar 2, 20...
Arrays - DS C++ O(n) O(n) Easy 10 2D Array - DS C++ O(1) O(1) Easy 15 Sparse Arrays C# O(n + q) O(n + q) Medium 25 n = number of input strings, q = number of queries Dynamic Array C# O(q) O(n) Easy 15 q = Number of queriesLinked...
Algorithms BFS: Shortest Reach in a Graph DATA STRUCTURES SubdomainChallengeSolutionVideo Explaination Arrays Arrays - DS Tutorial Arrays 2D Array - DS Arrays Dynamic Array Tutorial Arrays Left Rotation ...