ENwww.cliws.com是类似谷歌阅读器的RSS阅读器,但更好一些;)它定期检查各种RSS- feed,所以我可以从...
还可以通过klip同步到kindle上面,没事的时候打开kindle就可以知道最近计算机界发生了什么事。下面几个是我找到的Hacker News的全文输出RSS链接。 Hacker News — 200+ points投票超过200的链接 http://feeds.feedburner.com/hacker-news-feed-200?format=xml Hacker News — 100+ points投票超过100的链接 http://fee...
One of the first examples that got me to notice this ongoing trend was back around the end of 2020, when a number of my friends shared and commented on a hackernews thread about someone who had responded to a request to add an RSS feed to a DBMS with the news that he had quit prog...
jsonfeed.go main.go middleware.go params.go rss.go special.go utils.go whoishiring.go Repository files navigation README hnrss — Hacker News RSS hnrss provides custom, realtime RSS feeds for Hacker News. The project page explains all available RSS feeds and options.About...
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type:show|type:ask -host:pravda.ru YC -host:ycombinator.com hiring | type:job | author:whoishiring Search Hacker News by keywords, user, score, etc. Subscribe to new search results by RSS or JSON Follow Important Stuff –Mentions of your product ...
enables search and linkify's Hacker News. Sorting is performed by clicking the button shown in the top left corner of the page. Feel free to leave any suggestions, requests or feedback. Source available at: https://github.com/thejspr/hacker-news-sorter Regards, https://news.ycombinator.co...
Besides being the Pope’s Latinist and “one of the Vatican’s most colorful characters” (as the Catholic News Service called him), Foster has been a tireless champion of Latin in the classroom. Indeed, Foster’s greatest legacy may be as a teacher. “The most influential Latin teacher ...
- Hide posts from the feed - Tap the bottom button to scroll to the next root comment in the thread. Long press it to go to the previous one - All known hacker news endpoints - News, front page, Ask HN, Show HN, Show HN Newest, classic, active, best stories, best comments, new...
新闻频道:http://feed.cnblogs.com/news/rss 知识库:http://feed.cnblogs.com/kb/ 博问:http://feed.cnblogs.com/q/ 招聘频道:http://feed.cnblogs.com/job/ 这些RSS都汇总至OMPL文件中,您可以通过RSS阅读器一次导入,OMPL文件地址:http://feed.cnblogs.com/opml.xml 导入后的效果如下图: 推荐RSS阅读器...