In Chiaramonte, in evidence of his virile force, he bears in procession the standard of some confraternity, a high and richly adorned standard which makes its staff bend to a semicircle, of such enormous weight that the bearer must walk in a painfully bent position, his head thrown back ...
a curly on top, short on the sides haircut popular among young people. stephen johnson staff writer stephen johnson is a staff writer for lifehacker where he covers pop culture, including two weekly columns “the out of touch adults’ guide to kid culture” and “what people are getting ...
The prison staff didn’t give him bleach or anything to clean it up. Worse, he said, was that the other inmates had figured out how to get out of their handcuffs, increasing the threat of violence. “I ain’t never thought this place would be like this,” he said in an interview....
But the important thing is that I will never be again be spurred to write about Andrew Tate, at least until it’s time to report on how few people attended his funeral. “Things you should never google” on TikTok I’ve been around this here internet long enough to know that you shoul...
Go, too, when he had so completely vaulted into his place in the family, and promised to be such a stay and staff to his father and sister. Go, when his cares for the living mother, and sorrow for the dead, seemed to make him one of those peculiar people who are bound to us by...
Grimes and the outfitter and his staff (with possibly the chauffeur thrown in) in open combat. He was then taken to a hairdresser and severely clipped, which struck him as a more sensible proceeding; the stuff they put on his head was indeed pleasingly aromatic; and then he was bought ...