Ford looks to the future of "drivables" with first hackathon Automotive giant Ford held its first hackathon in Tel Aviv last Sunday with the aim of building new apps catered for the car. Hackathons meet religion at 'Code for the Kingdom' ...
The stack:Next.js&Theme UIwithHack Club Theme. Stuff you need installed ahead of time: Git Yarn An operating system (we hope) Clone it! $ git clone Go into the directory! $ cd hackathons ...
This website employs a security service to defend against online attacks. Your recent activity has activated the security solution. Various actions, such as submitting specific content or a SQL command,... WorkshopBanking & Finance Interested ...
Any submission to the hackathon remains the intellectual property of the individual or organizations that developed it. We encourage participants to open source their projects to both share their hacks with the greater community and promote innovation in this space. ...
HnCC or Hackathon and Coding Club is the official club of BIT Sindri that has the motto to instill a coding culture, collaborate, and arrange events relevant to Open Source, Graphics and Game Development, Web Development, App Development, and many other
Source Agents Our solution leverages several agents to find answers to difficult questions: Agent nameRoleLink Research manager Creates the research plan, delegates the tasks and is only one to interact with 'us' src Researcher Does research. Can search the web, read webpages and summarize conte...
“Bring this to Mattermost! Would be so cool to connect with coworkers and chat while you work. Would make it feel more social!“ 2nd place: Head Coach, a mental health check-up bot Submission|Demo|Source Code Our second place submission by Joe Leveridge called Head Coach, a plugin that...
This project created a source code sharing service integrated with IntelliJ-based IDEs to help instantly share a piece of code including code insights with colleagues and friends on social networks and messaging platforms. Each shared piece of code is accessible via a link and looks and feels like... 团队的“姆伊用药助手”基于 Web 、ChromeOS 技术,通过 PWA (Progressive Web Application) 带来能够有效预防疾病、增强治疗效果的解决方案。 代码构建美好生活:聚焦 Code For Better _ Hackathon 大赛的精彩与感动 -1. 先晒礼物 时间过得真快,距离参加 2022 Code for Better _ Hackathon 活动已经过去一...
Now, Team ”Librarians” has upgraded our library system so all we have to do now is scan a QR code which will take us to a website where you can check in and out our books! In addition we are able to collect analytics on which types of books are popular and which ones aren’t,...