我们注册完成hackthebox登录后会有几个兴趣选项,我是随便填的,因为不懂这个,所以随便选绕过去了。 教育折扣 我们认证好edu邮箱后直接点击hackthebox的订阅功能,academy.hackthebox.com/ 我们选择第一个学生,点击订阅,会提示 Confirm Subscription:By clicking the Proceed button below, you confirm your subscription...
The enterprise subscription package was easy to establish and the teams utilizing it in my organization enjoy the internal challenges and comradere in working together on various challenge labs. It is also now being utilized daily by my team as a practice platform to prepare for some real-world...
我们认证好edu邮箱后直接点击hackthebox的订阅功能,https://academy.hackthebox.com/billing 我们选择第一个学生,点击订阅,会提示 Confirm Subscription:By clicking the Proceed button below, you confirm your subscription and you will be charged accordingly. 我们点击继续会跳转到付款页面,说明是成功的,如下图所...
Six years ago, our journey began with the dream to support the cybersecurity community to develop and increase their security skills through the power of gamification and be able to join the battle against cybercriminals.As we grow, so does our belief in Hack The Box’s role and opportunity...
我们注册完成hackthebox登录后会有几个兴趣选项,我是随便填的,因为不懂这个,所以随便选绕过去了。 教育折扣 我们认证好edu邮箱后直接点击hackthebox的订阅功能,https://academy.hackthebox.com/billing 我们选择第一个学生,点击订阅,会提示 Confirm Subscription:By clicking the Proceed button below, you confirm ...
Lab Admins (實驗室管理員) 可以通過相應實驗室的 Subscription (訂閱) 頁籤,請求額外的 Seats 或對其實驗室的訂閱設置進行修改。 我是組織的管理員,但無法訪問我們的實驗室 (labs)。 Admins (管理員) 和 Moderators (主持人) 可以管理實驗室,但默認情況下無法訪問實驗室並在其中工作。如果您想在實驗室內編輯...
If you'd like to make a subscription to eitherVIP, ourPro Labs,or simply just to view the status of your current subscriptions, you can head over to theBilling&Planspage. Here you can find your current availableHack The Boxcredit, which you can use to purchase services, and the status ...
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Am I allowed to ask Hack The Box staff for hints? What’s the difference between modules and paths? How should I pick my cube subscription? What happens if I want to buy bulk subscriptions for my team as a company? How does the Cubes system work?