一开始以为CyberApocalypse的组队是要在这个主站里面组,然后这个主站是类似于Kaggle那种玩法,也就是说每个用户都是有一定等级的,通过Own(解出)各种Machine(偏实战)和Challenge(偏CTF)就可以得经验。然后新号都是Noob级别,要创建队伍的话要Hacker以上级别,然后还有VIP会员制度,如果不交钱则只能做Active Challenges,不能做...
开始实验环境 今天是注册 HTB 之后的第一个靶机,我们选择的是Challenges > Web中的Lernaean: 点击Start Instance 启动成功后,访问这里的域名信息:http://[docker.hackthebox.eu](<http://docker.hackthebox.eu/>):32410 主页: 看起来是个暴力破解。 掏出BurpSuite开始尝试破解: 笔者是晚上尝试破解的,由于运营商...
生成活動 作為管理員,您可以從成員列表的側邊欄中查看為各個用戶生成的所有Machines&Challenges(機器和挑戰)。此功能提供了更好的狀態監控,使管理員能夠清楚地了解團隊正在使用哪些內容。 在屏幕截圖中,作為管理員,我可以查看我的當前活躍的Machine,以及其他用戶正在使用的Machine。(如果Machine名稱被遮蔽,將顯示遮蔽後的...
if (((iVar1 == 1) && (iVar2 < iVar3)) || ((iVar1 == 2 && (iVar3 < iVar2))) { printf("%s\n\n[+] You won the race!! You get 100 coins!\n",&DAT_00011540); coins = coins + 100; puVar5 = &DAT_00011538; printf("[+] Current coins: [%d]%s\n",coins,&DAT_000115...
题目网址: https://app.hackthebox.com/challenges/you-know-0xdiablos 1. 解压密码为hackthebox 文件信息收集 file vuln 1. 这是一个32位的程序,动态链接的,没有开启内存随机化 checksec vuln 1. 可以看到,这个程序什么防护都没开 从上到下依次是: ...
+++ exited (status 0) +++ We see that the program callsstrcmpto compare the user input with the expected string (abcde122313). Let’s enter the correct string: unknown@localhost:/data/downloads$ ./baby Insert key: abcde122313 HTB{B4BY_R3V_TH4TS_EZ}...
New Machines & Challenges every week to keep your hacking skills sharp! Sherlocks Hands-on investigation labs that simulate real-world cybersecurity incidents and improve the capability to prioritize and analyze attack logs. Investigate the aftermath of a cyber attack and unravel its intricate ...
Hack The Box provides an exceptional learning environment for anyone interested in cybersecurity. The wide variety of challenges, ranging from beginner-friendly to highly advanced, ensures continuous growth and skill improvement. The interactive labs and real-world scenarios make learning practical and en...
Hack the Box machines and challenges writeups. Contribute to marcoboogie/Hack-The-Box development by creating an account on GitHub.
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