Does my Academy activity contribute to my main Hack The Box rank and progress? Do I need to install anything? Do I get any certificates for solving Academy modules? Am I allowed to stream/record my progress on Academy content? What about skills assessments?
Hack The Box always has - right from day 1 back in 2017 - and always will be all about its users. The HTB community is what helped us grow since our inception and achieve amazing things throughout the years. 3.3m Platform Members 960k Social Followers 120k Monthly Discord Messag...
Hack The Box is the Cyber Performance Center with the mission to provide a human-first platform to create and maintain high-performing cybersecurity individuals and organizations. As the only platform that unites upskilling, workforce development, and the human focus in the cybersecurity industry, Ha...
Recruiters from the best companies worldwide are hiring through Hack The Box. Make them notice your profile based on your progress with labs or directly apply to open positions. View Job Board Get Certified with Academy Put your skills on paper We educate and introduce aspiring hackers around...
What do you dislike about Hack The Box? The modules in HTB academy are often information-heavy in one medium, and it is often long-form text. This can get tedious and difficult to absorb. Breaking this up with other mediums, such as more pictorial, video, puzzles, and short-form practi...
Hack Academy:You too can train yourself to fight against hacking! Stay sharp and foil the most common hacking tec...
It only takes a few minutes to purchase your HTB Gift Card and give the perfect cybersecurity gift. Get one for you or your friends and start hacking! Secure payment. Instant email delivery. Explore now!
Read about the latest courses and certification updates from the Hack The Box Academy. Beginner or expert, your cybersecurity journey starts here.
Hack The Box是国外的一个网络安全在线平台,允许用户实践渗透测试技能,并与其他类似兴趣的成员交流想法...