hack slash mine好好玩。。 只看楼主 收藏 回复☆尛帥虎★ 钻石 10 最近一直在玩那个 感觉很不错 () 回复 1楼 2012-09-29 06:16 举报 | iamunknown 小吧主 13 Wi 收起回复 2楼 2012-09-29 06:16 举报 | 来自iPhone客户端 Down丶独行 虚空 12 不知道是什么 回复 3楼 2012-09-29 ...
客户端查看某个资源的返回类型(mine-type) + 查询某个静态文件是否存在 + 查询一个文件是否有修改(Cache-time) + + GET¶ 以下是用chrome 浏览器请求 django server的抓包结果 diff --git a/build/html/network/index.html b/build/html/network/index.html index 2402831..28f639d 100644 --- a/build/...
evilhack 的思路是给 nethack 加难度但是并不会加太多物品,虽然有一些合成神器,但是大部分都是原滋原味的 nethack,所以玩起来跟 dnh slashem 那种加很多很多东西的应该是不一样的感觉。所以这里介绍一些玩 evilhack 会感觉很重要的东西 刀舞三月 6-15 1 nethack 夏季锦标赛 Junethack 即将开始 刀舞三月 ...
Wizard mode in Slash'EM can be even more broken, thanks to the larger number of objects and artifacts. Some of those can grant powerfulextrinsicsthat would be far harder to obtain in vanilla (but of course, this is Wizard Mode, it doesn't really matter). For example, if you have aring...
Show message when pets or other monsters grow up (from SLASH'EM Extended). Attacking with a weapon of stealth, as well as with a knife while stealthy, gives a message that you "silently hit" or "silently kill" monsters, hinting at options for fighting without awakening nearby monsters. The...
Fiddlehack. Based on FIQhack, with stronger differences between races and roles. Some commits are also from NHFourk and Dynahack. - FiddleHack/doc/changelog.txt at 1de89424da11dc731bdf00138e545e598b107744 · yrmvgh/FiddleHack
后面在把玩各种nethack变种中找到了dnethack这个宝贝,这个变种吸收了slash’em等的优点,并引入了大量新的种族、神器和游戏机制。职业和神器搭配玩法非常有意思,有些职业简直是强度爆表。当然游戏后期的任务难度也得到了史 分享172 七日杀吧 哈额外欧普 Steam七日杀论坛看到的一帖子!外挂们来看看。 分享105赞 罗马全面...