Usborne are still very much in business producing up-to-date books educating today’s children, and to promote some of their more recent titles for the Raspberry Pi they’ve released them in electronic form. Continue reading “A Lockdown Brightened By A Library Of Vintage Usborne Books” → ...
this would mean the camera is well-suited to creating images that look good on large displays. But it's more limiting for astrophotography, especially compared to using a powerful DSLR with a powerful telescope. Still, Dwarf 3 is a great entry point for people who are interested...
Continue reading “Linux Fu: USB Everywhere” → Posted in Hackaday Columns, Linux Hacks, SliderTagged linux, usb, usbip Adding USB-C (Kinda) To A PowerMac G4 February 15, 2025 by Tom Nardi 9 Comments For those who’ve never bitten the Apple, the PowerMac G4 was a blue-tinted ...
🦕 A collection of Orpheus (Hack Club's mascot) drawings! Look at them at :) - hackclub/dinosaurs
- I run my own server for caching high quality favicons shown in the app plus for push notifications for replies. So if you can help support the server costs, please buy the one time only in app purchase. This also unlocks custom fonts, colors & icons. All stories and comments are via... PY.针对TPM(可信平台模块是一种防篡改设备)CVE-2018-6622. CVE-2018-6622漏洞利用工具 软件模板漏洞 CVE-2015-4027。Acunetix WVS 10 - Local Privilege Escalation本地提权漏洞。如何优雅的反击扫描你网站的黑客。 https...
Watch Your Hack doesn’t guarantee complete and total safety. Such a thing doesn’t exist on the internet. You can, however, make life as difficult as possible for hackers and viruses by using these tips. Now, before we start: don’t go cowering behind your computer. The chances of a ...
Are you ready to hack? You will learn new skills, meet new people, and have fun along the way. Plus, you might win some awesome prizes! So, what are you waiting for? Register now and start hacking! We can’t wait to see what you create! 😊...
Plus, we’re sharing our predictions for 2022, how accreditation and skills-base... Continue Reading → How This Digital Nomad Got Her Start in Web Development with Ironhack Jess Feldman Updated November 29, 2021 For years, Debora dreamed of being a digital nomad working in web development. ...
WIBR Plusis one such app for Android that will let you hack any WiFi connection that uses weak password protection. Essentially, the app makes use of a brute force attack that allows you to perform dictionary-based attacks on the targeted router and discover the password. ...