As you might imagine the air fryer has not been the dominant appliance when it comes to preparing hard-boiled eggs. But that hasn't stopped one Mom from posting a "hack" that she has come up withfor "perfect hard-boiled eggs every time". Okay, according to the hack you ar...
The current work is turning those into something edible, for which a microwave seems a logical choice. Experience tells us otherwise, so off to the thrift store went [Chaz], returning with a used air fryer. He ripped the guts out of a small microwave, slapped the magnetron onto the side...
Everyone needs to know this quick kitchen hack. It's the easiest way to clean up broken eggs! Doing this one simple things makes cleaning them a breeze.PIN IT FOR LATER! MY LATEST VIDEOSOn Sunday, two-year-old Grace and I baked double chocolate candy corn cookies, and they were amazing...
空气炸锅牛逼症,减肥减脂健康餐轻松搞定! 最近不想出门 又到了在家锻炼厨艺的时候~ 其实对于厨房小白 或者正在减肥减脂期的小伙伴 空气炸锅真的是你们值得拥有的神器 最近皇后又挖到好几个宝藏菜谱 可以通过空气炸锅轻松快手搞定 而且低脂又健康 快来动手试一下吧~ 炸脆皮年糕 不用油就能炸的脆皮年糕! 味道一点...
[Ben Krasnow] Did It All For The (Perfect) Cookie January 15, 2014byAdam Fabio38 Comments [Ben Krasnow] is on a mission. He’s looking for the perfect chocolate chip cookie. To aid him in this noble endeavor, he’s created thecookie perfection machine. Fromcleaning with plasma, to a...