The official Hack Language specification. Contribute to facebookarchive/hack-langspec development by creating an account on GitHub.
It's honestly a really fun place to hang out on a date, especially when you aren't chasing children around. Test out all the cool experiments and visit every exhibit together. You can spend hours there. It's a great bang for your buck, and you just might learn a little more about t...
Follow on facebook Follow on twitter Follow on youtube Follow on rss Contact us Subscribe If you missed it The “Unbreakable” Beer Glasses Of East Germany 15 Comments NASA Taps Webb To Help Study 2032 Asteroid Threat 43 Comments Plastic On The Mind: Assessing The Risks From Micro- And...
“Currently we have no Privacy or Secrecy with Smart Phones”. Repeat ten times every morning, with each repeate bang your head against the wall… When the pain gets to much go back and visit the last option, “Move the security endpoint past any reach from the communications endpoint.” T...
Once the typechecking server is started, if you have no Hack files in your project (i.e., all of your code is inside<?phptags instead of<?hh), runninghh_clientshould simply printNo errors!. This is because the typechecker only looks at Hack files; it doesn’t do anything with PHP...
Until then, anyone who’s looking for a pocket sized device that will let thembang out some Python with a physical keyboard will have to stick with their TI-83s. Continue reading“The Feather “FAUXBERRY” Is Now A Real Thing”→
Futbol. I hate Facebook more than I hate coppers. fbguru 4/19/18 6:29pm as in police? You hate those who risk their lives to protect and serve you? Adrielle 4/20/18 8:32am I genuinely enjoy watching Lavar Ball talk. It's entertaining and hilarious. pistol12 4/19/18 6:25...
「歐洲人都在聽」、「Lil Uzi Vert 的〈Jusy Wanna Rock〉」,2023 年的所有音樂關鍵字都指向這個多年前的曲風——Jersey club 澤西俱樂部,不管你是否聽過,但它絕對是你近期必須了解的音樂類型,並且在去年 Spotify 的年度回顧中,澤西俱樂部的播放總數也位列全球前位;而 Report comment Reply Tom Gsays: November 9, 2017 at 7:38 am “10µS per division” – I very much doubt it, unless you are using it as...
super helpful to identify components in my parts bins. Despite reading the comments here and on the EEVBlog, it’s hard to keep track of what’s what. Is there a particular model or keyword I can use to find the latest/(agreed on) best version to buy on Aliexpress, Banggood, eBay,...