The dog is a devoted friend of man, Hachiko is one of them! 1、狗是人类最忠实的朋友,而八公只是其中之一而已! 6. Hachiko died in March, 1934. Today, a bronze statue of Hachiko sits in his waiting spot outside the Shibuya railroad station. 八公在1934年3月去世。现在,...
Most Famous Dogs in History (4) Hachiko, Faithful Dog 英语阅读理解宠物摘要:英语世界
等待主人的八公 Hachikō died on March 8, 1935, at the age of 11. He was found on a street in Shibuya. In March 2011, scientists finally settled the cause of death of Hachikō: the dog had both terminal cancer and a filaria infection. There were also four yakitori skewers in Hachikō'...
Hachiko was an Akita Inu (“inu” means “dog” in Japanese), a breed of dog that originates in the Akita prefecture in Northwestern Japan. Originally, Akita dogs were known as Odate dogs—Odate being the name of a specific region within the Akita prefecture (now the largest city in th...
The Hachiko namesake comes from the true story of the famous Japanese dog that waited for his owner every day at the train station to come home from work, and continued to do so for nine years after the owner passed away. A stylish, waterproof sensor for your canine companion ...
dog made famous for an extraordinary display of dedication has finally been reunited with the human companion for whom he waited so long. The University of Tokyo willofficially unveil a new statue in Marchcommemorating the 80th anniversary of the death of Hachiko, the world's most loyal dog. ...
hachiko中文翻译 词组短语 用法例句 1. The realHachikowas born on Odate Japan in 1923. 真正的八公,在1923年,出生于日本大馆。 2. The realHachikowas born in Odate Japan in 1923. 真正的八公在1923年出生于日本秋田县大馆市。 3. The most famous statue in Japan is arguably one of a dog,Hachi...
After a profound show of devotion for his master, a dog becomes the symbol of loyalty for an entire nation.
我也很庆幸Moon是灵缇,他没有秋田犬那么忠诚,与我分离时他也就无需象八公承受那么深的思念之苦。以前,只知道担心寿命只有15年的Moon如果离我而去,我该多伤心,看罢《Hachiko:a dog's tale》我才发现狗对人的思念也是那么深,那么苦!我一定不让Moon 受八公那样的罪,把悲痛的思念留给我好了!
Hachiko-A-Dog's-Story网络忠犬八公的故事;忠犬小八;秋田犬八千网络释义 1. 忠犬八公的故事 《忠犬八公的故事》(Hachiko A Dog's Story)CHD联盟[1080P]用户标签 120X240 资源介绍 忠犬八公的故事 故事 车站 帕克 上…|基于289个网页 2. 忠犬小八 Dear... ... Mamma Mia 妈妈咪呀 Hachiko A ...