Time passed so quickly; I'd think "I should eat that natto I bought the other day," open the fridge, and find out it was a month expired. I'd also think "I want to watch a movie" and rent a DVD, but if I watched something like a Disney movie, I felt like dying. Brimming ...
I watched it once long ago, so I thought I'd give it a rewatch, but the story with the family trouble is rather heartbreaking. I'm pretty sure I didn't think that the first time. On the whole, it's a movie with very little relief. The feeling of gradual blurring at the end ...
作为JPBD,发行商 Frontier Works 把整季 12 集全塞在一张 BD50 里,甚至还带特典。视频有效码率仅为 18Mbps,比常规 BD 片源的一半还少,甚至低于一部分劣质的 USBD UKBD。这毫无节操的操作已不是逆天可以形容的,即便是以发行劣质 BD 著称的 DMM 都得喊他一声大哥。 然而与码率形成鲜明对比的是画质。总体来...
First, I really like the movie Kids Return, and wanted to make something like that. It starts with two high-schoolers riding a bike together, and the two take different paths - one becomes a boxer, one becomes a yakuza. And both end up hopeless, and return to where they came from.....