The HACCP team uses the “CCP Decision Tree” to determine the Critical Control Points (CCPs) required to control the identified hazard.The logic is documented on the “HACCP Control Chart”.3. Establish Critical LimitsA critical limit is a maximum and/or minimum value to which a biological,...
document all potential hazard and critical control points for Pediatric Sulfamethoxazole,Sulfdiazine and Trimethoprim Granules Process in Oral Dosage Plant of XXX by applying the principle of ICH Q9 (Quality Risk Management) and risk management tool of Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP)...
31、ite program为控制食品安全危害(3.3)在产品或产品加工环境中引入和(或) 污染或扩散的可能性,通过危害分析确定的必不可少的必备程序(3.7) o3.9流程图 flow chart以图解的方式系统地描述各环节之间的顺序及相互作用。3. 10关键控制点 critical control point ;CCP能够施加控制,并且该控制对防止或消除某一食品安...
The critical control points were determined by answering the questions in the decision trees. Finally, the HACCP control chart was created to include critical limits, monitoring, and corrective actions as the components of several HACCP principles. One critical control point (CCP) and two...
The HACCP (hazard analysis critical control point) concept is now widely applied in the food industry and provides a structured and critical approach to the identification and control of hazards that may affect food safety. It has shifted the emphasis for control from retrospective end-product testi...
3. 10 关键控制点 critical control point ;CCP 能够施加控制,并且该控制对防止或消除某一食品安全危害(3.3)或将其降低到可接受水平所必需的〈食品安全〉步骤。 3. 11 关键限值 critical limit 区分可接收和不可接收的判定值。 3. 12 监视 monitoring 为评定控制措施(3.6)是否按预期运行和达到特定的限值而按...
CCP Critical Control Poi nts 关键控制点 EU Europea n Union 欧洲联盟 GMP Good Manu facturi ng Practice 药品生产质量管理规范 HACCP Hazard An alysis and Critical Con trol Point 危害分析与关键控制点 ICH Intern ati onal Conference on Harmoni zati on of Tech ni cal Requireme nts for Registratio...
HACCP是Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point的英文缩写,即危害分析和关键控制点。HACCP体系是国际共同认可和接受的食品安全保证体系。HACCP体系包含 7 项基本原理:(1)进行危害分析(HA);(2)确定关键控制点(CCP);(3)建立关键控制点临界值(CL);(4)建立 CCP 的控制体系;(5)建立纠偏措施;(6)建立验证程序;(7)...
7-9 High risk (Critical Control Point) 10. Consider Control Measures The HACCP team must consider what control measures, if any, exist which can be applied for each hazard. More than one control measure may be required to control a specific hazard(s) and more than one hazard may be cont...
风险对应 CCP(critical control point, 关键控制点)等级控 制。软胶囊生产过程的关键控制点为原辅料内包材验收, 配料过滤和化胶过滤。 3.2 制定HACCP 计划 根据确定的软胶囊生产过程的关键控制点, 制定控 员、纠偏措施、记录和验证, 见表3。制定监控措施时应注 意, 监控措施应起到的作用是跟踪各项操作, 及...