we would like to create a “bridge” linking all lands which were parts of the Austrian Empire. The timeline begins in 1526 (when Silesia finally became a part of the Habsburg Monarchy) and ends in 1763, when, according to the Peace Treaty of Hubertusburg, Austria renounced all claims to ...
still disputed when he was assassinated in 1308. Albert had temporarily tamed the electoral princes,placatedthe papacy, and renounced intervention in Italy; but this policy foundered at his death, and the electors were given a fresh opportunity to reassert their influence over the German monarchy....
Habsburg dynasty, or Hapsburg dynasty , Royal German family, one of the chief dynasties of Europe from the 15th to the 20th century.
Additional studies of the fall of the Habsburg dynasty include Oscar Jászi, The Dissolution of the Habsburg Monarchy (1929, reissued 1961); Alan Sked, The Decline and Fall of the Habsburg Empire, 1815–1918 (1989); and Alan Warwick Palmer, Twilight of the Habsburgs: The Life and Times of...
During the years from the end of theThirty Years’ Waruntil 1659SpainandFranceengaged in almost continuous warfare. During the struggle Spain found itself also involved in hostilities with England, and the real decay of the Spanish monarchy became rapidly apparent. Any assistance that might have be...
Maria regarded her father’s Charter as the guarantee of her throne and depended on the Charter’s champion, theduque de Saldanha. Her reign was marked by struggles between moderates andconservativeson the one hand, who supported the principle ofconstitutional monarchyestablished by the Charter, and...