$ python examples/viewer.py --dataset /path/to/data/replica_cad/replicaCAD.scene_dataset_config.json --scene apt_1 碰撞测试场景 上图即是碰撞测试的场景,控制方式与移动交互场景基本相同。 如果是在服务器上进行安装的话,因为没有可视化的外设,所以无法进行上述的测试,需要借助Habitat-Lab的测试样例来进行...
Motivation and Context Changes for upgrading to the latest stable releases of habitat-sim and habitat-lab Changelog How Has This Been Tested Types of changes Docs change / refactoring / dep...
Motivation and Context Changes for upgrading to the latest stable releases of habitat-sim and habitat-lab Changelog How Has This Been Tested Types of changes Docs change / refactoring / dependency upgrade Bug fix (non-breaking change which fixes
https://aihabitat.org/docs/habitat-lab/habitat-lab-demo.html Habitat-sim C++ 查看器 欢迎使用 Habitat-sim C++ 查看器应用程序!鼠标功能在LOOK 模式下(默认): 左键:单击并拖动以旋转代理并向上/向下查看。 右键:(物理)随机产生一个物体。 shift + left:取被点击物体的语义ID和标签(目前只支持HM3D); sh...
habitat-lab/habitat/tasks/rearrange/rearrange_sim.py def reset(self) -> None: """ Reset the Simulator instance.NOTE: this override does not return an observation.Contributor xavierpuigf Aug 31, 2024 Note something that this PR introduces, but wondering if here we should return some empty...
https://aihabitat.org/docs/habitat-lab/habitat-lab-demo.html Habitat-sim C++ 查看器 欢迎使用 Habitat-sim C++ 查看器应用程序!鼠标功能 在LOOK 模式下(默认): 左键:单击并拖动以旋转代理并向上/向下查看。 右键:(物理)随机产生一个物体。 shift + left:取被点击物体的语义ID和标签(目前只支持HM3D); ...